Why I’m No Longer Using A Mailing List
I’m making the transition to using my blog with a notification system to reach my readers and here’s why.
I’m making the transition to using my blog with a notification system to reach my readers and here’s why.
You can now pre-order OZONI AND ONSENS on Amazon, iBooks, Kobo, and Nook. It will be available on December 7, 2017.
It’s here! It’s my fourth anniversary of being a publishing author! Here are all my positive and negative takeaways from this year and what to expect in Year Five and beyond…
What to expect from me publishing-wise in the latter half of 2017.
I changed how I wrote and lost my way. Now I’m back to where I started.
All the things that happened in the week ending March 5, 2017.
All the things that happened in the week ending January 29, 2017.
All the things that took place in the week ending January 22, 2017.