2021: The Year I Develop My Systems
It’s 2021! It’s time to set some goals for the year! This year I’m setting goals to keep me moving forward. What are your goals for 2021?
It’s 2021! It’s time to set some goals for the year! This year I’m setting goals to keep me moving forward. What are your goals for 2021?
What happened in 2020? A lot, including finishing the Flyght Series, a global pandemic, and more… Here are the results of my yearly goals!
And it’s 2020! It’s time to set some goals for the year! This year I’m setting goals to spark my creativity. What are your goals for 2020?
What happened in 2019? So, so much, including breaking my leg and launching a new series… Here are the results of my yearly goals!
A look back at the goals I made for 2019 and how I’m doing so far at mid-year. I also set some new goals for the rest of 2019.
And it’s 2019! So it’s time to set some goals for the year for writing, business, and personal. Some of these goals will be harder to accomplish than others, but I want to try to improve myself this year. What are your goals for 2019?
A look back at the goals I made for 2018 and how I’m doing so far at mid-year. I also set some new goals for the rest of 2018.
And it’s 2018! So it’s time to set some goals for the year for writing, business, and personal. Some of these goals are crazier than others, but I like to think and dream big. What are your goals for 2018?