What Have You Secretly Always Wanted To Be?
I have three secret identities I’ve always wanted to be! What are yours?
I have three secret identities I’ve always wanted to be! What are yours?
Why training for endurance helps prepare us for the long haul.
It’s 2021! It’s time to set some goals for the year! This year I’m setting goals to keep me moving forward. What are your goals for 2021?
What happened in 2020? A lot, including finishing the Flyght Series, a global pandemic, and more… Here are the results of my yearly goals!
Prepwork for NaNoWriMo and the fourth book of the Hikoboshi Series is underway! More details about what I’ll be writing is in this post…
I’m between a lot of projects right now and the lull feels endless!
I finished a knit I’ve been working on for 18 months! Check out my Corners, Edges, Stripes shawl.
Sometimes the creative well can run dry. What can we do to fill it back up again?