Coming in at #119 on the USA Today Best Seller List, DESTINATION: MURDER has made me a best seller!
Coming in at #119 on the USA Today Best Seller List, DESTINATION: MURDER has made me a best seller!
Join me here as I begin selling direct to you!
A look back at the goals I made for 2018 and how I’m doing so far at mid-year. I also set some new goals for the rest of 2018.
Refocusing my goals for 2018, here are a few things I’m cutting from my schedule.
Book-related news including the Hikoboshi Series coming out of Kindle Unlimited, pricing changes on longer books, FACE TIME in Kindle Unlimited, and the paperback for THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE RETURNS A FAVOR.
And it’s 2018! So it’s time to set some goals for the year for writing, business, and personal. Some of these goals are crazier than others, but I like to think and dream big. What are your goals for 2018?
What happened in 2017? A whole lot of stuff, that’s for sure. Let’s take a look!
This year has been light on reviews for my books. Any chance you can help me out? I have a few books here for you to review!