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The Blender’s Bargain Chapter 3 Is Up on YouTube!

Chapter 3 has some bad news for poor Archie.

For this chapter, I had to consider everything about the Italian restaurant. What you don't realize is that AI is capable of putting a lot of details in the background that you have to pay attention to! Take for example, the art on the walls. There's an Easter Egg in this episode. Let's see if you can find it!

I use tools like Midjourney, OpenAI's Text-to-Speech, Suno, Canva, Topaz Photo AI, and Kling to produce the images, audio, music, and videos that you see here.

It does take a lot of work to bring you something as simple-looking as this. You can find out more on my Patreon.

Speaking of Patreon, once I manage to monetize my YouTube channel, Patreon will be the only place to get my work ad-free. I'll also post about how I made these videos and the tools I'm using on Patreon, so please come support me and my work there too, if you can.

You can watch the third episode right here or head on over to YouTube to watch! Don't forget to like and subscribe to my YouTube channel to find out whenever I publish there, too.

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S. J. Pajonas