This month was very busy! I went to Las Vegas for work, came home, and hit the ground running with a million different things.
How did November 2024 go?
November feels like a blur. We started off the month with some cleaning and reorganizing in the house, and then I jetted off to Las Vegas for the Author Nation conference. What a week that was! I hustled from meeting to meeting. Seriously, I walked over 14,000 steps every day! It was a lot and then I came home and crashed for a day before getting right back to work. The rest of the month has been busy too. I wrote a lot of flash fiction, I worked on websites, and I did a lot of work on the Future Fiction Academy. We also saw Hadestown on Broadway!
Start the next book in the Amagi Series. I didn't start this because I decided to do flash fiction instead and I'm still reading the other books in the Amagi Series.
Start up the press that I've been working on. Man oh man, this has been a tough one. I finally gave up trying to use Elementor for this project and build the site up with PHP instead. I'm still working on it.
Get some more paperbacks onto KDP Print. Didn't happen.
Publish a few blog posts. My blog was busy this month with flash fiction. I hope you've been enjoying it!
Attend Author Nation. Did. Done. It was a blast.
Continue with my FFA, Brave New Bookshelf, and other business work including the new website. All done.
Stick with my workout schedule, Duolingo, reading, knitting, and TV. I did all of these things including starting a new knitting project!
Lol. People on YouTube are weird. This month got 4 thumbs up and 3 thumbs down. I have no idea why.
December 2024 Goals
And now it's time to set some goals for December!
Start the next book in the Amagi Series. Just like last month… Will she or won't she? That's the real question.
Start up the press that I've been working on. This is the month it has to happen because we are going full throttle on it in the new year.
Keep up with flash fiction 3x per week. I'm really enjoying making both the stories and the videos so I'll keep it up and re-evaluate it in 2025.
Make decisions about next year. I want to think about my goals and dreams for 2025. There's a distinct possibility that 2025 will be my biggest year yet!
Continue with my FFA, Brave New Bookshelf, and other business work including the new website. All still stuff I need to do.
Stick with my workout schedule, Duolingo, reading, knitting, and TV. Same old.
That's it for this month! Have a great December everyone!