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October 2024 Goals and September 2024 Wrap-Up

This is really late, and I apologize. But I got home from our trip to Japan, and I immediately got sick with Covid and a sinus and ear infection. Today is the first day where I can sit in a chair and use my computer. So this post will be brief.

How did September 2024 go?

September is a blur now. Prior to us leaving the US on the 14th, I worked really hard to get a ton done. I prescheduled blog posts. I prescheduled Brave New Bookshelf podcasts. I worked 14 hours a day every day to get things done. It was a lot and I was really stressed, but I got it all done. My parents showed up and we got on a plane to Japan.

Start the next book in the Amagi Series. I did not start the next book. I decided to re-read the previous books in the series first.

Get some paperbacks onto KDP Print. Still did not get these on there. I planned on getting some done when I returned home, but I got sick instead.

Do what I can to promote Pets in Space 9. I posted a lot to the blog and to social media!

Go to Japan! We did it! We spent 12 days in Japan and we traveled and walked and ate A LOT. I was completely exhausted every single day. This is probably why I got sick almost immediately upon returning.

Continue with my FFA, Brave New Bookshelf, and other business work including the new website. I did as much as I could before I left.

Stick with my workout schedule, Duolingo, reading, knitting, and TV. Same old.

What else happened?

Obviously, JAPAN!

We flew into Tokyo (Narita) on the 15th of September. We went to Sumo wrestling on Monday the 16th. Then we spent the next few days tooling around Tokyo. We traveled to Osaka on the 18th and celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary on the 19th.

We then traveled to Fukuoka on Saturday the 21st! We spent some time in this city not really doing too much. It was raining and the streets were really congested with traffic. On Monday the 23rd, we flew back to Tokyo and stayed there until we flew home on the 27th.

I will have a more detailed post about the whole trip sometime in the future when I'm feeling better, but I will say it was the trip of a lifetime! I love traveling with my husband and we had a great time together.

October 2024 Goals

And now it's time to set some goals for October!

Start the next book in the Amagi Series. Okay, this will happen this month.

Get some paperbacks onto KDP Print. I need to get the cozy books up there at the least.

Do what I can to promote Pets in Space 9. There are more blog posts coming for Pets in Space 9 and an upcoming sale as well!

Get better. I hope to be totally back in business sometime next week. I'm still testing positive for covid and I need to lie down a few times per day. I hope to get past that soon.

Go away with friends the weekend of the 19th/20th. The annual knitting trip is coming up! I'm looking forward to seeing my friends then.

Continue with my FFA, Brave New Bookshelf, and other business work including the new website. All still stuff I need to do.

Stick with my workout schedule, Duolingo, reading, knitting, and TV. Same old.

That's it for this month! Have a great October everyone!

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S. J. Pajonas