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February 2024 Goals

One month down in 2024! How are you all doing? Flourishing? Surviving?

What are my February Goals?

Keep working on my backlog books. I actually HAVE to do this this month since I'm going to run out of chapters for Ream. Lol. But not many! I banked a lot before the beginning of the year.

Start writing the next Kimura Sisters book. I made a commitment for the next Kimura Sisters book so it's time to get started on it. I already have an idea of the story! So now I just need to start brainstorming and planning.

Continue my work with Future Fiction Academy. We've made some significant changes to the Academy over the last month, and we will be implementing them this month. The FFA is always a work in progress! And I really love what we've done with it.

Work on a fine tune model of how I outline. Since I'm starting writing a new book anyway, I might as well build this fine tune! I have a way that I outline a book, and this fine tune will help me save time in the beginning process of brainstorming.

Go on two trips! I have one trip to see my parents scheduled for the middle of February and then I'll be on a panel at the Future of Publishing Mastermind conference at the end of the month in New Orleans. I've never been to N. O. so I'm looking forward to going!

Stick with my workout schedule, Duolingo, reading, knitting, and TV. The usual here.

What happened with January's Goals?

Keep working on my books. I did not do much actual writing this month, but I did edit my chapters of A Dangerous Connection and put them up on Ream!

Post my Amagi Series novella to Ream. As above, yep, I'm actually doing it!

Work on more fine tunes of GPT 3.5. My first fine tune was great, but I haven't had time to make any more.

Stick with the Peloton. Doing good with this! I have been walking and using the bike steadily.

Stick with my new workout schedule, intermittent fasting, and Dry January until close to my birthday. I've given up on intermittent fasting, but I'm enjoying my workout schedule and I did Dry January until my birthday.

Keep going with Duolingo, reading, knitting, and TV. Did all of this!

That's it for this month! Have a great February everyone!

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S. J. Pajonas