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Sunday Update – November 26, 2023

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Can you believe it's almost the end of the year? I can't. I have no idea how this year went by so quickly. Once we hit September, it felt like a race to the end.

This week was crazy (again), y'all. I thought it was going to be more chill since it was a holiday week, but no. It was nutso. We had a re-org in the Future Fiction Academy that required a lot of my time and skills. It wasn't expected on my schedule, so a lot of other stuff got moved aside to accommodate it. One of the things about running a start-up is that you have to be nimble and ready to work long hours for little to nothing in the way of compensation. I know this and I expected this from the start. And that's pretty much all I can say on this issue. It really did throw my whole week off, but I know we will move forward from here.

I didn't do much writing. In fact, I don't think I did any writing! Which is disappointing but expected after the week I just went through. Plus, there was all the OpenAI drama all week long! Omg, I'm so over it. I'm glad it only lasted one week because I got tired of the whiplash over and over. Lol.

For Thanksgiving, we went out to see family on Long Island. The drives there and back weren't too bad. We mostly hit traffic on the way there and cruised home. It was great to see everyone that day! I'm so glad we got to spend time with family. No photos. I don't know why, but I just didn't pull out my phone to take any.

As for what I've been watching or reading, I started rewatching Alias on Freevee. It was the right choice. I loved that show when I watched it the first time and it's still really good years later. I've been reading but nothing has caught my attention enough to talk about it. I did get my new Oasis! I bought it on a Black Friday deal and had it in my hands later the same day. Wow. I love living close to the distribution centers. Amazon gave me 3 free months of Kindle Unlimited so I signed up and I'm going to use it to download and try out some thrillers.

We went out the Asian grocery store after lunch last Sunday and these were my top picks for chips.

Yesterday we went to Manhattan and the opera at Lincoln Center to see La Boheme. It was lovely and we had a great time together. We are celebrating my husband's 50th birthday for the next week and this was a part of the celebration. Afterward we went out for dinner before heading home.

I did the Peloton annual Turkey Burn ride on Thanksgiving after putting the apple crisp in the oven. The ride had over 65,000 people on it at one point. I happened to take a photo when there were 25k on the ride. It was nuts. A great ride though! Robin did an amazing job.

Yes! I got a Black Friday deal on the Kindle Oasis. I love it already. It's nice and light. Very responsive. And I like having the page turn buttons. I bought it first thing in the morning and I had it in my hands later that day. We live close to a lot of Amazon warehouses, and this works out for us on most days.

And I think this is the last dying gasp of color for the fall. I will miss all of these leaves!

Have a great week, everyone! Stay safe and healthy. ❤️

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S. J. Pajonas