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Sunday Update – November 19, 2023

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

I barely know where this week went! It was busy getting back into the swing of things.

This week, sickness plagued my coworkers. Elizabeth came down with covid after the conference, and I have no idea how I didn't get it. We spent so much time together in Vegas, talking, working, etc. It's a miracle I did not get it. But poor thing, she was down the entire week, and she'll probably struggle to get back to things this week. It hit her hard. Christine also got sick and lost her voice.

I was a little sick, but I managed to fight it off with massive amounts of Vitamin C and my Copper Zap. Thank goodness for the Copper Zap. It always seems to prevent me from getting a sinus infection. The one time I've gotten a sinus infection since I got the thing was last year during my bout of covid. I didn't use it and I should have. That was a lesson learned. You can also soak it in water and then use the water for gargling, which I also did this past week. So I had a head cold for like 3 days and then I was better. Huzzah!

So, for work, I covered for others when it came to teaching, along with Stacey, one of our other employees. I worked on a giant project of sorting our lab notes from all of our classes and making them shareable to our students. That was quite a task, but it's now done. I didn't do much writing, but I did finally get my Facebook ads turned on again (new targeting, new images), and I did some reading, watching TV, and knitting.

Oh, I may have mentioned this in my last post, but my Paperwhite died. I'm watching the Black Friday deals at Amazon like a hawk. I'd really like to get an Oasis this time.

What have I been watching? The husband and I are still watching the Great British Baking Show every week. We're on the new season of For All Mankind as well. And I saw that the Crown now has new episodes so we're going to watch that too. I'm rewatching Alias on Freevee. I love that show. It's great from the very first episode.

Our neighborhood is still pretty with autumn colors! Usually, the trees have dropped all of their leaves by now, so it's a little strange. But I'll take it. The bursts of color on our walks is just lovely.

I guess I blocked this madness from my brain. We got both kids new phones as early Christmas presents. And let me tell you, the process to move them over to the new phones was intolerable. I don't know why both of them were such pains in the ass, but they were. We tried to just have it move everything over wirelessly, but the phones got stuck in update mode (both of them). So then I had to instead back the old phones up to the computer and restore from that. That was also a pain with many downloads and updates and on and on. Finally, we got to the point of porting over the phone numbers and that failed too! I gave up at that point and handed them over to my husband who had to call Verizon to get both phones moved over. I'm so glad that's done, and I'm also glad this is not something I will have to do on Christmas Day. Lol.

Every now and then, Duolingo will have the strangest sentences. Three birds and a ghost. Okay, then.

Have a great week, everyone! Stay safe and healthy. ❤️

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S. J. Pajonas