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November 2023 Goals

November is a big month! I have a lot going on, so let's get to it!

What happened with October's Goals?

Keep writing and teaching with the FFA. Yep! I did a lot of FFA work this past month. Everything is going well there! And I did some writing on each of my books this month too.

Go to Rhinebeck for the NY Sheep and Wool festival! I went and we had so much fun! I wish I could do that every weekend.

Prep for 20Books in Vegas. I've done very minimal 20Books prep and I leave on Sunday. Ugh. I am terrible at prepping for trips. I prefer to just wing them. I'll get this done this week.

Launch Pets in Space 8. This anthology is going really well! Thank you to all of you who purchased it and left reviews. It's much appreciated!

Stick with the Peloton. I did my best this month. I dealt with an infection the last week of October, and that kept me off the bike. But I'm still riding the bike and using Peloton!

Keep going with Duolingo, reading, knitting, and TV. I have done all of this except for reading! I feel like, when knitting is happening, I'm not reading and vice versa.

November Goals

Keep working on my books. I have three books in progress right now: the fantasy rom-com, the cozy mystery, and now an Amagi Series novella. Each week, I'm writing on one of them. It's working for me, and I'm just happy I'm writing at all.

Go to the 20Booksto50k Conference in Las Vegas. This is a big one. It's a huge conference, and I will be there both as an author and an AI advocate as part of the Future Fiction Academy. I will probably be exhausted by the time I get back, but I do plan on having some fun there. I want to play roulette and hang out with my long time author friends.

Not get sick after the conference. Stephanie, remember to bring Vitamin C and a mask! Lol.

Stick with the Peloton. More working out! I have added in a heavier arms weight session each week, and I'm hoping this will make me a little stronger. We'll see.

Thanksgiving and my husband's birthday. We've got two holidays this month, too. Thanksgiving, which I hope to spend with family. My husband's 50th birthday, which we plan to celebrate with opera, good food, and then he'll be going to Vegas with his friends.

Keep going with Duolingo, reading, knitting, and TV. All the same, same.

That's it for this month! Have a great November everyone!

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S. J. Pajonas