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Sunday Update – October 15, 2023

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

This is the week I attempted to get caught up on things, and I mostly succeeded. I got through all the email in my inbox! That was a feat all its own. Then I also managed to make it around to some blogs too and comment. That felt great. I miss seeing what y'all are up to when I'm super busy. The good news is that my schedule will be a little lighter in the coming weeks because we have hired some people to edit our videos. I'm going to be editing my class from yesterday this morning after I'm done with this blog post, and then I don't have to edit my classes anymore. I will just be editing videos that I make for the FFA, and that will be fewer videos per week.

We had a week of sunshine here and that was needed. One of my scheduled Peloton days, I decided not to ride the bike and went out for a walk instead, so I ended up walking 5 of the 7 days! It gave me some blisters, but it was worth it. Looking back on the week, I'm not sure what else I did. I was certainly busy with lots of carpooling, driving, and just general life stuff, but other than that, I can't remember anything else.

In writing news, I have decided to set up some live-writing times with my students at the FFA for Monday and Thursday mornings. I will work on MY books then. I think if I have the commitment of being there and working with the students, I'm more likely to do it. We'll see!

Today, we're off to my cousin's house for a party in the afternoon/early evening. She's turning 50! I can't wait to celebrate with family. And next week is the NY Sheep and Wool festival in Rhinebeck, NY! I also can't wait for this one.

What have I been reading and watching? No reading this week. I watched the whole Beckham documentary on Netflix, and I really enjoyed it. I've always admired David Beckham and seeing the documentary made me like him even more. Then I was on a roll with soccer/football so I decided to watch the Messi documentary on Apple TV+. It was good, though I had no idea that MLS had such a following here in the US. Wow. The crowds at the games were nuts! I kind of want to go! I also have picked up Foundation on Apple TV+ in this second season, we have been watching Stephen Colbert in the evenings and Great British Baking Show. It's been some good TV watching. I'm pleased. (I'm too lazy to link up any of the shows, but I'm sure you can find them.)

My job in this household is to hold chews for Lulu so that she can chew on them. She doesn't have thumbs and I do. Also, my daughter took a bunch of funny 0.5 photos of Lulu this week on my camera. And Lulu loves to curl up in her bed on the cold days.

Out for walkies! We tried to enjoy the weather as much as possible.

We had our marching band festival in town yesterday and my husband was there all day because he's now the high school band treasurer. He bought me this t-shirt. Lol. It's amazingly perfect.

Have a great week, everyone! Stay safe and healthy. ❤️

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S. J. Pajonas