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Meet Ivan from Tilli’s Second Chance

Picking animal pairs for each Kimura Family member wasn't an easy job, yet the choice for Ivan came effortlessly to me. 

About 20 years ago, I was a fresh transplant in the Big Apple, and I decided to room with a co-worker and her friends. We were young and impulsive, so why the heck not, right? I barely knew these people, but I figured it would all work out.

During our time together, one of my roomies had this insanely cute and fluffy cat named Idon. That cat had personality for days! Then, another roommate had this sleek and stunning Russian gray cat called Stella, with bright yellow eyes that could melt your heart. Now, I'm allergic to cats, so I couldn't exactly spend quality time with them, but we managed just fine. It was a cool experience living with those cats.

Fast forward to today, and whenever I see a Russian gray cat, I can't help but appreciate their exquisite fur and striking eyes. When the chance came to introduce a new animal in this series, I instantly thought of both Idon and Stella and decided to combine their awesomeness into one cat. And thus, Ivan was born (giving a little nod to the Russian roots).

A little about Russian Blue cats

Russian Blue cats are one of the most popular breed of cats in the world. They are known for their distinctive gray blue coat, their gentle personality, and their intelligence. They're also a natural breed, meaning they were not breed into existence by humans, and they have been around since the mid 1800s. They also have a long lifespan, usually 10-20 years, and have even been known to live as long as 25 years.

In Russian folklore, the Russian Blue is considered both a healing charm and a good luck charm. It is believed that the breed can ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune to its owners. They are also extremely intelligent and love to get up to hijinks and play with toys. I really love them. They are such great cats!

Pets In Space 8 Is Now Available For Pre-Order!

Blast off into adventure with the eighth installment of PETS IN SPACE, a dynamic anthology of 11 never-before-seen science fiction romance stories! Rocket through the multi-verses brimming with heart-pounding escapades, swoon-worthy romances, and the best pet sidekicks ever!

Each story will pull you into the far-flung corners of the cosmos with intrepid heroes and heroines you’ll want to cheer for as they fight to save their world and find their happily ever afters. You’ll adore the furry, feathered, and scaly friends who have come to help their brave human companions on their quests.

This limited-edition anthology includes novellas by some of the biggest names in science fiction romance including USA TODAY bestselling authors R.J. Blain, Susan Hayes, Honey Phillips, Skye MacKinnon, Arizona Tape, Carol Van Natta, Tana Stone, S. J. Pajonas, Carysa Locke, JC Hay, plus award-winning authors Gail Koger and Elva Birch.

The Pets in Space 8 authors continue their vital support of, the non-profit charity that provides trained service dogs for disabled U.S. veterans and first-responders.

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S. J. Pajonas