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July 2023 Goals

I'm still traveling, and I'm writing this blog post from a lounge at the Conrad Hilton in London, so I'll keep this short!

What happened with June's Goals?

Plot out and start writing my fantasy romance series. It is happening! I did a lot of plotting and came up with the titles for the first three books of the series with ChatGPT's help. Wow. That was a roller coaster ride too! I learned a lot about epic poetry that actually bore some fruit while I was traveling in the U.K. and Paris! Funny how that happens. I started writing and I'm about 6 chapters in, but I'm trying to actually BE on vacation and not write while I'm traveling. Rest assured that once I'm home, it's full steam ahead!

Continue teaching and working with FFA. I did a lot of teaching and working before I left, and I have been trying to keep up while away.

Finish my in-person French classes. I finished French classes! They were a lot of fun and I'm glad I did them. The French came in handy while we were in Paris.

Go on vacation! I'm still on vacation!

Keep going with Duolingo, exercise, reading, knitting, and TV. Not a lot of knitting, but plenty of TV and reading. Exercise has been hit or miss. I got sick in June and had to peel back a little but I've been very busy and walking A LOT while on vacation.

July Goals

Back to writing my fantasy romance and my cozy mystery. I started both before I left on vacation. The fantasy romance has about six chapters. The cozy mystery has barely been started but it has been plotted more than the fantasy romance. I'd like to get both to the 70% mark before the end of the month.

Compile two courses for FFA. I am planning on two content marketing courses using AI for Future Fiction Academy. I've been making notes on what I want to do while I've been gone on vacation. When I return, I need to start putting them together and recording them.

Keep teaching and live-writing with FFA. I have been teaching authors how to use the AI tools in order to “pants” their stories. You don't have to be an outliner in order to use AI! Though a lot of people do find that helpful, for sure. (Just like with dictating.) So I have been concentrating on those techniques in my classes. It's been a lot of fun and I'm sure I'm helping authors with this.

Back on the Peloton! I was sick for most of June and then away with traveling. When I return, I want to knock 10 points off my FTP score, and start Power Zone training again. I would like to do more climb rides after watching some Tour de France and being inspired by the climbs there (wowsa!). But I can't do that without a good cardio base. Time to get back to it.

Return to the beach house. We have plans to be back at the beach house again in July. I miss it there, and I'm looking forward to being there again this month.

Keep going with Duolingo, reading, knitting, and TV. Once I'm back, I'd like to pick up my blanket knitting again with my daily TV time. And of course, continue with French, Italian, and Japanese on Duolingo.

That's it for this month! Have a great July everyone!

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S. J. Pajonas