The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
I woke up this morning and my website was all out of whack. It looks like the theme updated over the weekend and caused a lot of issues. I think it's back to normal now, but I can't be sure. If you see anything out of alignment, please let me know.
This was quite the week. We got some family news about another uncle of mine who found out he has a brain tumor. We got the news, and before we knew it, he was in surgery to have to removed, even though a few opinions claimed it was inoperable. The good news is that he's conscious and smiling. The bad news is that he's lost speech and a few other things, and he's going to need rehab. My thoughts are with him. I hope this surgery bought him some more time.
I saw a lot of my family yesterday at a graduation party for my cousin's daughter. It was nice seeing everyone, talking, eating, and having a great time together. The weather was lovely, and we only had a little rain shower come out of nowhere for about 5 minutes. Not bad at all!
In work and writing news, I did a lot this week! For Future Fiction Academy, I taught a class on Midjourney basics, and then I did a live-writing session where I started my new Fantasy Romance series right there for people in the Academy to see. I did a lot of pre-work on this series, brainstorming with ChatGPT on titles, names, geography of the world I'm building, character profiles, and a very rough outline of what I want to write. I'm a discovery writer (pantser) so I never really stick to an outline, but it's nice to have an idea of what to aim for. Then I showed how I use Claude to help me pants my way through the story. It was fun! I'm glad I did it because I think a lot of pantsers/discovery writers don't know how to use AI tools in their process. Hopefully this helped a few of them. I have a cover design session coming up with my designer next week, so I wanted to make sure I had all of this ironed out ahead of time.
This was the last full week of school! Next week, the kids have a full day on Monday, half-days on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and then we leave Thursday night for London and Paris! Sunday Updates after this one will not return until mid-July, but I promise to post about my trip while we're there and when we return. For those that are interested, I plan to post images and video to Instagram and they will post to Facebook as well.
Graduation party with the family! We all had a great time!
More Lulu, as always. She's a star now on Facebook. I posted a photo of her this week that's reached almost 40k people! Kinda nuts.
The real reason why Lulu is a star… Lol. Facebook gave me Rising Creator status again, this time in the top 1% of creators. *fist pump* So I hit that CREATE POST button and I posted about Lulu. Then the post went viral. Not surprised. Dogs rule the algorithm. ❤️ 🐶
Have a great week everyone! Stay safe and healthy! ❤️