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Sunday Update – June 11, 2023

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Again, not a lot to report this week as I'm still sick. I'm definitely doing better than last week, so that's good. My cough has really calmed down, and my nose is about 90% less snot than the week before. Lol. So I'm happy about that. I went to bed early last night and got a lot of sleep. I even slept in a little this morning! Which almost never happens.

This last week, I taught classes for Future Fiction Academy, knit and watched videos about Teachable, brainstormed some more for my upcoming fiction books which I need to start writing this week, and generally rested as much as I could. I hope to start writing something new today. Getting the momentum going is always the hard part for me. I doubt myself heavily at the beginning of a project, wondering if I'm even capable of writing something new again. Sigh. I just need to get moving.

This next week is the last full week of school for my kids. Then the following week is mostly half days with Thursday being the last day AND the day we leave for London 🇬🇧 and Paris 🇫🇷 ! I need to get 100% better soon so I'm ready for that!

Got some knitting time in outside last weekend while listening to podcasts. Lulu was close by, as always.

I'm sure you all heard about the smoky Wednesday we had here. The first image above is from Tuesday when I could start smelling the smoke nearby and the distance was hazy. Wednesday it was like I had been transported to Tatooine. The sky was orange yellow and it was awful outside. It got WAY above 300 on the Air Quality meter in the midday (I didn't take my screenshot until 6PM) and then started to come down overnight. Thursday was still a little high with numbers in the 150-200 range. Now, we're fine. It was really strange. The light coming into the house was orange (you can see the sunlight on the bowl and sink in the photo above). I know this is a sign of our future, and I'm sad about it. I also feel really bad for Canada right now. I hope they can get their fires under control.

My faithful companion… Always sleeping right next to me. She loves her friend, Tootsie. And we went on some very chill walks while I was recovering.

Our front walkway is all done! I think they did a fantastic job!

And finally, relaxing with my knitting, a cup of coffee and a banana, and some Teachable videos. I need to learn how to make courses on Teachable, and I think I already have the hang of it!

PS) I missed going around to blogs last week, and I'm sorry about that. I didn't have the energy for it, and I got a new RSS reader that needed tweaking. I should be back in business this week!

Have a great week, everyone! Stay safe and healthy. ❤️

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S. J. Pajonas