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Sunday Update – May 21, 2023

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

This was quite the week, and not really in a good way. The furor over authors using AI erupted on Twitter this week and it has really stuck with me. Not that I'm changing my tactics or anything. It just really highlighted how much this community loves to define what is or isn't an author. They love to gate keep and say you're not a real author if… It's disappointing especially as I help authors use these tools to work through brain fog or other disabilities. Yes, I have used them to brainstorm and write some prose. Every word that goes into my books, though, is there because I chose it to be and the vast majority come straight out of my brain to my fingers. My 30 years of storytelling experience are used every day as I write and then do a little prompting or brainstorming and continue writing. Sometimes I don't use any AI at all, but playing with it prior to writing got me in the chair and working. This is the future, and I'm continuing to help other authors with the tools. Still, it's not easy, and I've had to fend off several anxiety attacks this week. I am no longer looking at Twitter.

Consequently, I've been super busy and I don't think I'm going to update much here beyond Sunday Updates for May and June. I have so much to do!

Another week of gluten free and I've lost almost 4lbs this month. I'm pretty sure I'm going to drop weight quickly now because I was so inflamed from wheat and gluten. It was also making me hungrier which caused me to eat more and gain more weight. Crazy how that happens, right? I guess gluten was really messing with my gut. I gave away all of my croutons and ramen to neighbors. I was sad to see it all go.

Lots of other things happened this week including the demolition and reconstruction of our front walkway and stoop. That was a lot of noise I wasn't expecting. French class went well. I'm definitely learning a lot. We had gorgeous weather all week and then it rained on Saturday. Today should be nice! I was on zoom a lot this week but that's to be expected from now on as I help more authors use AI.

Oh! I also finished Tilli's Second Chance! Totally finished it and sent it off to the anthology editor. This means I'm now wide open to work on new things, and I'm really excited about them. A new cozy mystery series I've been brainstorming AND a new fantasy romance series. The fantasy romance series is an idea I've had for literally FIVE YEARS and haven't been able to really think on until now. I'm excited to get them both off the ground.

Miss Lulu continues to be a joy. I love it when she snuggles next to me while I read.

The peonies are in bloom and they're gorgeous! They smell divine.

Seen on my Mother's Day walk.

Mother's Day dinner. It was delicious!

All the gluten that went out to the curb. It was all gone within a day.

Finally, allllllll the jack hammering. Hoo damn it was noisy for a few days.

Have a great week everyone! Stay safe and healthy.

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S. J. Pajonas