The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
It was Spring Break here this week! But we didn't really do anything, and I'm okay with that. Last year, we went to Disney World, and I got covid. So I'm happy to be home and healthy, that's for sure.
Monday and Tuesday we were at the beach house. Monday was a chill day but we went shopping in the afternoon. Tuesday, we slept in, exercised, ate lunch, packed up and drove home. Traffic was easy both on the way to the beach house and home, so that was nice. I love driving my car, but Lulu was a wreck the whole way home. We have tried drugging her in the past with something we get from the vet, but it really doesn't work. Last night my husband heard the thunder rolling in and it reminded him of the Thundershirt for dogs. I looked it up and a lot of the reviews said it works good for dogs who have travel anxiety, so I bought one. We'll use it on the next long car ride.
Wednesday was French class. So far so good! I'm understanding the lessons and my teacher, and I'm not too lost. Thursday, I went grocery shopping because we didn't have any food at home. I splurged and got lobster tails for us. Hey, we didn't travel anywhere but the beach house so why not?
Friday was a chill day at home. My husband worked on a big home project in 90ºF heat. He was in bed by 9PM. Lol. He finished it up yesterday. It was basically an extension of our gutter drain all the way out to the street.
I am working A LOT and I'm getting a ton done. I updated the blog here. I updated my cozy mystery pen name's blog and website because I've decided to write mysteries again! I updated all the covers for my cozy mystery pen name and all of those books are in KU now. Updated the pen name's FB page and revived it. Set up ads for the pen name books on FB. I worked on the next Kimura Sisters book and I'm at close to 14k on that. I set up posts on SFR Station for the rest of April and the first week of May. I'm working on some fun images for the Flyght Series. Hoo boy, am I tired.
Oh, another thing of note. I've decided to go on a anti-inflammatory diet. It's not much different than the way I already eat since I'm a pescatarian. I noticed recently that I've been in a lot of pain some days. That weird kind-of all-over pain one has when they're sick with the flu. That aching, hurting feeling. You probably know it. And it was worse in my broken leg too, often showing up there first before my whole body. It was horrible our first night at the beach house. What did I have to eat that night? A fish fry. Fried shrimp and scallops and french fries. Yes, they were delicious. No, they are not good for my body. The same thing happened the week before when I had nachos for dinner (fried chips). So first and foremost, I've given up fried foods and gone low-sugar again. I'm watching my body to see how it flares after other foods like pasta or bread. So far, those are fine. Anyway, just thought I would mention it. Inflammation has been worse since I got covid, and I know I'm not the only one this has impacted. If you are feeling a lot of pain, maybe think about your diet too.

It's beautiful around these parts!

I love being at the beach house!

Lulu keeping me company.

At French class. This place teaches kids too.

We had Easter dinner at the Lobster House in Cape May, and it was DELICIOUS.

At the beach house, my husband and his garden. The first photo is all the kale that just grew there like crazy while we were gone. He pulled everything out and planted new things. And then we had a fire on our last night, roasted marshmallows and made s'mores.
I get caught up on podcasts or audiobooks every Saturday on the bike. This ride was through the vineyards in France.
I'm making good progress on the Kimura Sisters book. I'm actually way past this and approaching the halfway mark!
We had such beautiful weather this week that I enjoyed my martini on the deck on Wednesday.
Finally, me and my fan. I'm going to be using it a lot this coming summer as I sit here and work!