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Sunday Update – February 5, 2023

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

I thought for certain that this week my books would be in Kindle Unlimited, I'd have Facebook ads running, and all would be right with the world. NOPE. Kobo is still dragging its heels taking my books off two sites: Indigo in Canada and Porrua in Mexico. I've opened up two tickets with them, and still, they tell me they are taking them down and don't. It's getting very frustrating. I thought I could trust Kobo. They are so author-friendly, and I still sell my audiobooks through them. But this is taking far too long. In my opinion, it shouldn't take more than 3 business days to delete books from the stores. We're going on 7 business days now. I'm really hoping that THIS IS THE WEEK. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

In other news, it was a busy week of writing and author business stuff. I reformatted all of my books in preparation of the big move to Amazon-exclusive. I wrote words again once I was feeling less sad about my uncle passing. I went for walks and exercised. I got stuff done.

And THEN, on Friday night, my husband decided to look at the travel restrictions for our upcoming trip and decided to put our passport photos into the United app to expedite things. GUESS WHOSE PASSPORT IS EXPIRED??? MINE, of course. FFS. I asked him months ago to recheck the passports and he only checked the kids. I am so pissed. I spent all of Friday after dinner calling the passport control center, getting an appointment in fucking NEW HAMPSHIRE for the DAY BEFORE our travel, and then quietly crying because I knew it wouldn't work out. Then a friend told us to call back every fifteen minutes and look for another appointment. Oh, okay, I didn't know you could change or move the appointment. I called back 15 minutes later and got an appointment in NYC for Friday morning, the 10th. We leave on the 15th. Much better. I'm stressing and dreading Friday. I will have to get into NYC very early in the morning, wait in lots of lines, fill out tons of paperwork, etc. This could have been sooooo much easier if I had renewed it months ago. I will never let this happen again. Everyone, please learn from my experience and get your passport renewed way before you travel. Check and check again. You'll thank me someday for this warning.

Not a lot of photos this week and they're all of Lulu. I know this won't be a burden on all y'all.

Hey mom! I smell French fries up there. What? I love French fries!

Loves to be in her bed.

She also loves sleeping next to me on the couch, which is where she is right now as I type this up.

Have a great week everyone! Stay safe and healthy.

S. J. Pajonas