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Sunday Update – January 22, 2023

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Another blur of a week! Last Sunday, we got together with my family for Italian dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. And then Monday was a holiday so we stayed home.

Tuesday was supposed to be extra busy and it wasn't… so we went out to dinner for my birthday! I was glad my kid didn't have jazz band practice so we could do it.

Wednesday was my 47th birthday. I didn't really do much. It was more of the same same. I did eat a ton of pasta for lunch and then I took a nap as a treat to myself. Lol. We didn't go out to dinner because my youngest kid had a school concert in the evening we had to go to. We did do birthday cupcakes after, which was nice.

Thursday was more of the same. I went grocery shopping in the rain in the afternoon which was not ideal. The kids came home from school grumpy, and then the oldest kid had jazz band practice and I had to attend a mandatory band parents meeting.

Friday came and went. I worked a lot and did a podcast interview in the afternoon. Then I spoke to my friends on zoom in the evening.

Saturday was a lot of working and then an advanced writing class in the afternoon.

As you can see I've been pretty busy. I'm staying on track with my writing and I'm about 28k on the next Amagi Series book. I've been working with AI images and writing tools again and having some fun there. But there's been no time for knitting or reading. I'm a bit burned out. I hope it gets better.

I'm also in pain and that's never fun. I've been dealing with right hip pain for a few weeks. I've changed up my exercise habits to compensate and I hope that it gets better sometime soon. In the meantime, I'm just trying to bear it.

Not a lot of photos this week since I've been so busy…

New reading glasses. My other ones broke, but I keep a cache of them in the house, just for this reason.

The weather on my birthday was actually nice! It was in the 50s so I took a long walk this morning, all to myself.

Opened a bottle of Bollinger for my birthday.

The last time I got any reading done was last Monday morning before anyone else got up, on the couch with Lulu.

After dinner with my family. My cousin is on the right and my other cousin's wife is on the left. I love these ladies. They are so fun to be around.

And that's it for this week. Stay safe and healthy.

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S. J. Pajonas