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Sunday Update – January 8, 2023

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Happy New Year, again, everyone! I hope your first week of 2023 went well. We had a busy week around here. The kids were back in school on Tuesday and my husband was gone mid-week for a day. It was the usual with after school activities and jazz band for my oldest kid. On Friday, the oldest kid had a dentist appointment and that went well too. We found out she doesn't have wisdom teeth! She definitely doesn't have them on the bottom, and they are like 80% sure she doesn't have them on top. EVOLUTION!! She's glad she doesn't have to have them removed. I'm just really surprised.

I've been working on a ton of stuff. I spent a good number of days uploading new manuscripts and raising prices on many of my books. This week I finish that task. I also started writing the next Amagi Series book WHILE reading the previous three books. I'm almost done with my re-read and it's given me great ideas for moving forward with the series. I'm prepping for a FB ads challenge this coming week which means downloading or making images for ads, writing ad copy, and getting links set up ahead of time. I have a busy week ahead of me with work for sure. I'm also prepping for a blog post here on Tuesday. Lots going on!

This dog. I swear. She has such a huge personality in a tiny body.

I made a tofu peanut curry on Friday for dinner based on the sauce from this recipe. I uploaded this photo on Friday night to my Facebook page and it has since reached 13,000+ people and I have NO IDEA WHY. In fact, I think it must be a mistake or something. It's not even getting a ton of interaction or anything, yet FB is sending it to oodles of people. *shrugs*

I was out walking Lulu around 4PM one day when we ran across 8 deer behind this fence including a buck! See it there? Funny how the deer are the same color as the leaves.

My park on two vastly different weather days.

My youngest daughter made a yellow vanilla cake on New Year's Eve. She did a great job! We've been enjoying it all week.

Have a great week everyone! Stay safe and healthy.

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S. J. Pajonas