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Sunday Update – December 4, 2022

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

I can hardly believe we're in the last month of the year. Where has the time gone? All I know is that I have a lot to fit in in this last month including finishing writing a book and Christmas shopping. Ugh.

Writing on Ean's Rare Gift is going really well. This is why updating my blog has fallen by the wayside. My days are jam-packed with writing and a million other things. Finding time to update the blog is just not happening. But that's okay because I should be writing anyway! I'm past the halfway point in the story and it's really coming together. It looks like I should finish on time or very close to my December 15th deadline.

This week, my youngest daughter went back to school on Tuesday. She was the one who caught covid over the Thanksgiving break. She tested negative pretty quickly. It seemed to only last a few days in her, but with vaccinations and a previous infection, I'm not surprised. Her immune system is on guard! :) I did get some bad news about the health of another family member, though, this week and spent some time at the hospital visiting him yesterday. Hopefully, he pulls through okay soon.

It was also my husband's 49th birthday this past week, so happy birthday to him!

Not much else has been happening. We're getting through the days one-by-one around here. I'm looking forward to the holidays.

Lulu continues to be either by my side or doing something silly.

Some moments from this week: Sunday was spent in my comfy pajama pants all day. Abi won the Emperor's Cup in the November Sumo Basho. It was his first time winning. We had an amazing sunrise on Monday morning. I made pasta sauce on Friday.

I tried a tabata ride for the first time on Monday. It was hard but fun. I was totally gassed the rest of the day, though. Lol. I continue to love Peloton because there's always something fun and new for me to try.

It was super cold this week, like February levels of cold. I kinda want to wear a mask on days like this, just to keep my face warm.

I’ve been studying Italian for almost a year now using Duolingo. It’s a good program for learning and I like it a lot but it falls down in a key area — explanation. Often, they just have you make a mistake, memorize the right answer, and correct it the second time around without telling you WHY it was wrong. This drives me insane. I need to know the rules of language in order to follow them! That’s something I miss about taking an in-person class. In Japanese classes, I’d always be able to ask why and sensei would say “because this is an intransitive verb” or whatever and I could do further study with the right information.

So I have to bolster my Italian Duolingo study with textbooks in order to understand what’s going on. I pretty much flunked the advanced pronouns in Duolingo because I had no idea what they were doing. This book is setting me straight between subject and object pronouns. Now I will have a better understanding of how to use them.

I crossed the halfway point of writing this book! And I've written more since this.

Relaxing on the couch on Friday night with my martini and dog. A great way to end the week!

Have a great week everyone! Stay safe and healthy

S. J. Pajonas