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Sunday Update – November 27, 2022

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

I realize now that when I'm writing a book, this blog is pretty silent. Lol. Really, I don't have much brain power for anything more than Facebook when I'm writing a book. Looking back on Novembers past, this is pretty much the case. Oh well. That's life!

You know what else is life? Sickness. We were supposed to be at the beach house this weekend but covid has hit our house again. On the way home from Thanksgiving, my youngest daughter said she wasn't feeling well. She felt blah and nauseous, so we opened the car windows until we got home. (Fresh air usually helps.) The next morning, she still felt awful, so before we all packed up the car to leave for the beach house, my husband decided to covid test her. Positive. Ugh. We had to call the whole family who we saw the day before and let them know. This is her second time (maybe third) that she's had covid. All in all, she's not too sick, and I'm sure she'll bounce back soon. But what a pain in the ass. I'm so over sickness in this house because my other child had RSV the week before.

Despite all of this sickness, I have been extremely productive. I did all of my Black Friday shopping including buying our Holiday cards. I've been writing on Ean's Rare Gift every day and loving the story so far. I've been keeping up with a bunch of my other goals too. I'm happy with my progress.

Thanksgiving day was a lot of fun! We went out to visit my husband's side of the family on Long Island. There was lots of food including homemade ravioli. Mmmm. My BIL's dog, Starla, wouldn't let me pet her, but she did sit near me.

Lulu is doing good. We had a small weird thing happen ON Thanksgiving. She woke up that morning and her face was swollen. First around her left eye. Then it moved to her right and her right lip. It was worrying so I gave her a little Benadryl and after a few hours it was gone. I still don't know why it happened, but she's okay now.

Ice is beginning to form on the lake in the park.

I'm getting a lot of writing done each day with Lulu keeping her eye on me!

I've decided that I like having my t-shirts available all winter so I'm buying even more and just pairing them with a cardigan each day. I often get too hot for long-sleeves in the evening, so this works out better for me.

Treated myself to ramen this week. This one was good, even if it was messy.

Finally, we are watching a lot of World Cup around here, even though the circumstances around the cup are pissing me off. I really hope FIFA doesn't choose a country like Qatar again, but I know that money talks. ANYWAY, my favorite player, Alisson Becker, who is usually the goalie for Liverpool, is now playing for Brazil and doing a great job. Here he is with his lovely beard, and that's how he will remain in my thoughts even though he now has a mustache. Lol. If you missed it, he's actually my inspiration for Gus in the Flyght Series. So, the beard has to remain because Gus has a beard.

Have a great week everyone! Stay safe and healthy.

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S. J. Pajonas