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Sunday Update – October 9, 2022

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

I thought I would update again this past week, but it was just so busy! Besides, it was nice to have Pets in Space 7 at the top of the blog for the week. The anthology is doing really well! It's been under #1000 on Amazon for most of the week and already has over 30 ratings! Thank you to everyone who picked it up. I'm so very happy about its success!

In life news, everything about the week is a blur. I started on edits for The Fate of Shin-Osaka, and I got a lot done there. The story started to really come together by the time I hit the second act. I'm happy with how things are going AND I'm over a day ahead of schedule. Yay!

It was a rainy week. The remnants of Hurricane Ian brought us rain for three days straight. Lulu hates walking in the rain so she was climbing the walls by the time we had blue sky. My kids had off Wednesday for the Jewish holiday (we are not Jewish but this is pretty standard for the area we live in), and then had a no-homework night on Thursday. My husband went into the office on Thursday and stayed in the city for dinner. None of this altered my schedule, though. I still edited every day, got groceries done, got carpooling done, and got the exercising done. All of it done.

In other news, this week I hit a bunch of Peloton milestones. I hit my 104-week streak for 2 years of working out! Yay! I also hit 10k minutes of working out for 2022, AND I got my 600 workout badge in both Strength and Stretching. I'm not working out as much as I did last year because covid kicked my ass this year, but I'm still pushing through. I also finished the Power Zone Pack challenge this week. Next week and onward, I'm on my own. I won't be doing another challenge until spring 2023.

It was so nice to get out and walk once the rain was over. I really enjoyed my walk in the park on Thursday.

Lulu dominated my Instagram stories this week. She was being extra cute and lovable. No complaints from me! (Except that she pooped on the floor earlier this week because she didn't want to go out into the rain to do her business. Not really surprising and doesn't happen often.)

Some Peloton milestones!

I'm going away next weekend with friends to the NY Sheep and Wool festival! I haven't been in like 7 years, and I can't wait to go back. I went into my storage and found a few sweaters I knit ages ago including my February Lady Sweater, pictured here. This sweater is 14 years old! I can't believe I knit this in 2008. It still somewhat fits me too! I think I'm going to get yarn at the festival for another one.

And here's some of the AI art I made this week! I'm enjoying making something each day to go along with the text prompts I found. I'm definitely learning how to ask the AI for the things I want to see. If you want to see the Midjourney and Dall-E prompts for these, head over to my Facebook Page and check out the gallery.

That's it for this week! Stay safe and healthy

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S. J. Pajonas