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The Music of Pets in Space 7

Are you as excited for Myra's Big Mistake as I am? I just re-read it the other day, and I know you all are going to love it. In the meantime, it's time to dance and be merry! We've got the official Pets in Space 7 Playlist for you today!

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The Songs of Pets in Space 7

Myra's Big Mistake
by S. J. Pajonas

This song calls back to old times and summer drives in sun. Myra is always thinking back on her life, but Nosuké just wants to be in the here-and-now, enjoying her presence.

“It All Feels Right” by Washed Out

Wynter and the Stone Dragon
by S.E. Smith

Khalid thinks he's dreaming when the woman he almost thought he made up in his dreams suddenly reappears. Reality is even better…

“Don't Wake Me” by Love and Theft

Death Angel
by Kyndra Hatch

This is such an introspective song. It makes me think of Vonda as she floats through the nebula of Sanctuary when she’s on the verge of death.

“Drops of Jupiter” by Train

Liquid Courage
by Winnie Winkle

This is a fun, campy sci-fi romp, and I loved it so much I named my cat Mo-Dean.

“Is That You, Mo-Dean” by the B-52s

Written in the Stars
by Leslie Chase

This entered my writing playlist for Written in the Stars, and I fell in love with it. Energetic, fun, I enjoyed it a lot and it helped me write faster.

“The Cat from Outer Space” by Alienatic

Alien Abduction for Unicorns
by Skye MacKinnon

A modern twist on bagpipes and the kind of song Tara would hear playing in the castle’s gift shop. Author’s side note: I went to a Red Hot Chili Pipers concert in Stirling and a piper’s kilt flew up while they danced around on stage… I shan’t tell you what he wore underneath.

“We Will Rock You” performed by Red Hot Chilli Pipers

Rhea's Conundrum
by Candace Colt

Rhea is airy-fairy, full of whimsy, and eternally optimistic. This song is so Rhea!

“I Have a Dream” by Abba

An Entanglement of Griffins
by Carol Van Natta

I love the vulnerable hope in this song, with the longing to be helped and healed by the person you've fallen in love with. The griffins need safe places to soar, almost as much as the main characters, Lark and Pim, do.

“Broken Wings” by Mr. Mister

Complete Playlist

To make it easy for you to go on a musical ride through the galaxy, we've posted the complete playlist for you on the Pets in Space Books YouTube channel.

Listen to the Pets in Space 7 Playlist

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S. J. Pajonas