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Sunday Update – June 26, 2022

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

This will be the last Sunday Update until September. I'm feeling very burned out on all things, even normal everyday stuff, so I need to take some time off. This school year with one kid in high school and another in middle school really did me in. There was a lot of drama and tears and so many discussions about grades, friends, teachers, etc that it has left me totally spent. Add to that my own difficulties with writing and publishing, and you can probably understand that I need a vacation. I am beyond tired.

So, here's what's going to happen. I'm going to update the blog this week with a Book Chat and a TV Chat. I have lots for each of those! And then a Monthly Goals post for both July and August combined. Then my newsletter will go out on Friday. After that, it'll be radio silence until September 1st. I WILL be updating on Instagram all summer! If you follow me there, you'll see what I'm up to. (If you're mostly here for Lulu, she will be on Instagram too. Lol.)

This week was finally the end of school for my kids. It was a lot of half days for them which meant more interruptions for me in my work days. I had to run them around to band practices or performances and help them with other chores of ending school.

On Friday, we took off in the morning for the beach house and we're still here, thankfully. It's been good to be away, but it's still exhausting here as well. We have lots of work to do on this house to get it ready for the summer and having people here to visit. Plus, we've had plumbing troubles here and we are still waiting for the pool to be installed. It's a lot of work but in the end it'll be worth it.

Add on top of everything the end of Roe v. Wade, and I am just feeling beaten. These are dark times. It's going to take a lot to get through everything. I have two daughters and I fear for their future.

(ETA: I accidentally labeled this June 27 instead of June 26. I fixed it here but the permalink is still June 27th. See? I'm tired. I can't even get the date right!)

We're having fun at the beach! I'm reading a lot while sitting in the shade of the beach umbrella. We went to the boardwalk last night to play games and ride the rides.

No trip to the beach is complete without a lobster roll. Yum.

Lulu is always waiting for me to return from my walks.

Last Sunday, we celebrated Father's Day in style with champagne.

I've been meal planning more, and this week I bought mussels for Thai curry mussels. They were delicious.

I've been so exhausted in the afternoons that I've been thinking about going back to afternoon caffeine. But ultimately, I think I just need some time off.

Popcorn has become my afternoon snack. This one I made with coconut oil and topped with furikake!

And finally, I've started a new blanket (I know I still need to post about the one I finished). I got this yarn from La Bien Aimee and it's a Spirited Away colorway, No Face and Chihiru. I love how different it looks between the skein/hank on the left and the wound-up ball on the right. So fun!

Okay, that's it for now. I'll be back with more posts this week and Sunday Updates again in September. Hugs to you all! Stay safe and healthy.

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S. J. Pajonas