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Sunday Update – June 19, 2022

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

I've had a week of good things and bad things.

Good thing… I wrote every day this week, Monday through Friday, and passed 20k on my current manuscript. Yay! I was hoping I would do it, and I did. It's my intention to write Monday through Friday every week, so I hope to do it again next week. The weekend is for other things.

Bad thing… I'm not sleeping well again, and I'm kind of wondering if this is something I need to just accept and move on from. I was so restless in bed the previous week, and I realized I hadn't been taking enough magnesium. Increasing my dose helped a lot, but still, I'm so tired every day. I can't make it through a day without lying down anymore. It puts a real damper on my schedule when I HAVE TO lie down around 2PM or I'll fall over. I'm really sad about it, ESPECIALLY when I'm eaten by a mosquito all night! (I woke up this morning with 5 bug bites that weren't there when I went to bed. Argh!)

Good thing… I finished knitting my blanket! I love it and I can't wait to take photos of it. I also can't wait to start another one. I just need to figure out how much yarn I need.

Bad thing… I did my expenses and checked my income for the first part of the year (Q1 and Q2) and I lost over $500. Yes, I actually lost money as an author. And no, this is not an anomaly. Except for a brief time in 2020, I have never made a profit as an author. This is another reason I left FB, because seeing authors post about how they make six figures and afford things like conferences and audiobooks was just making me depressed. Next September 2023 will be my ten year anniversary as an author, and I have completely failed at making this a career. I had to have a real talk with myself this week about cutting back on ads. I decided to take Q3 off from buying any (any more than I already have running). This is probably something, like my sleep, that I need to come to terms with and accept. Last year, I did everything I could to save my career, and it just didn't pan out. Now, I think I need to just write and publish and not do anything else.

Good thing… My exercise routine is back! I'm doing well with the Power Zone Pack Challenge and plenty of walking with Lulu.

I'm sure there are more good and bad things for this week, but that's probably enough for now.

Lulu gets hot on our walks, so she picks a cool lawn each block to lie down on. It's not annoying at all.

I got shishito peppers for our Friday drinks appetizer. I love these things. They are so good.

My treat for writing every day this past week was s'mores! We made them in the toaster oven last night. Delicious!

Blanket preview! It's done. All the ends have been woven in. I just need to take photos now.

Wore some of my fun, geeky t-shirts this week. Hello Kaylee (a Hello Kitty and Firefly mashup) and my Leia shirt.

Last softball game of the season. The opposing team's parents were awful. They said trashy things about our girls on the field because they are trash. Never thought I would say that about a neighboring town, but here we are.

My drinks this week were well deserved. Especially after doing my income and expenses. Sigh.

Have a great week everyone! Stay safe and healthy.

S. J. Pajonas