Hello readers! I've been writing slowly on the last book of the Hikoboshi Series, so between hemming and hawing over what to write on that, I've been assessing my sales and making choices about what I will be writing and publishing for the rest of this year. I want to take more time for me and spend less time on my computer, working all day and night. That's not healthy, and I have done that for nearly a decade, not even taking weekends off. It's time to be better about my choices!
We're almost at the mid-point of 2022, so now is a good time to set the record on what you can expect from me this year.
The last book of the Hikoboshi Series
First off, I plan on publishing this book sometime in late summer/early fall. I'm writing it now and I know it will take a lot to get all my plot points right and make sure the story ties up all the loose ends. Then as soon as I'm done with the first draft, I will go straight to revisions and edit so that I can publish it for you. This series got a small boost of readers after I made Crash Land on Kurai free, so I feel it's in my best interest to publish it as soon as possible. It's happening, just slowly.
The next two books in the Kimura Sisters Series
The next book in the Kimura Sisters Series is Myra's Big Mistake. This will be published in an anthology in October. I will also be writing a newsletter exclusive novella about the oldest brother. The writing of this book will happen once I'm done with the last Hikoboshi book.
The next book in the Amagi Series
After I'm done with the newsletter exclusive novella, I will be moving on to Skylar's next book in the Amagi Series. Looking at my calendar, I probably won't be writing this till the end of the year, and as such, the book may not be published until 2023. But I thought you should know about it.