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Sunday Update – May 1, 2022

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Another week went by without a post on the blog because I'm still recovering from being sick. As of today, Sunday, I'm at about 85-90% of my usual health status. I still have some sinus issues but I'm done with antibiotics. My energy is still rather low. And when I go out for walks or take Recovery Rides on the Peloton, my heart rate is much higher than usual. Damned Covid. Who knows what it has done to me long term. I'm hoping for the best.

I spent the week doing very little. I have found a groove of knitting and watching TV that I like. I'm spending a lot less time on social media, which I also like. I'd really like this to continue, so I'm going to adjust my “work” schedule to make it happen. I'm also almost done reading The Rise of Shiroi Nami, so I hope to start writing the next book in that series this week. I'm sure it'll take me until the end of June to get that done.

I had planned on updating the blog with a Book Chat, and it just didn't happen this week. I plan on making it happen this coming week, along with my Monthly Goals post tomorrow. Now that I'm off the antibiotics, I hope some of my energy returns.

On Friday, I spoke to the same English class at Michigan State University that I spoke to last time a few months ago, but this time I talked about marketing. I gave them advice on being a career author and branding themselves and their work, not just marketing A BOOK, but instead marketing themselves and their whole body of work. Hopefully it gave them some good ideas for the future.

I don't have much in the way of photos from this week. Sitting on the couch or in bed recovering isn't very interesting, but here are a few highlights…

Lulu is wondering why I'm hanging out in bed so much. Hey Mom! Come out and play!

I'm not doing the low carb thing anymore so I decided to buy a bunch of Korean ramens to try out. Not that I'm going to be eating them all the time or anything. I still need to be choosy about what I'm putting in my body. But this Cheese Ramen called to me and it was DELICIOUS. I added extra veggies and fake crab.

I finally made it out of bed and to the couch for my mornings.

I've been knitting on this blanket and I'm making great progress. I love this project. It's easy to remember and mindless. Perfect for my current mood. I may make another one when I'm done. I have enough of this yarn to do it.

Softball season has started again and that means some of my dinners will be in the car, like last year. But this time, I have the Tesla and Netflix! I love this car so much.

And finally, my husband went to the beach house on Friday and took delivery of our washer and dryer for there. These appliances are pretty small, but they'll get the job done. I can't wait to spend time there this summer. I am counting the days!

Have a great week everyone! Stay safe and healthy!

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S. J. Pajonas