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Sunday Update – March 20, 2022

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Not a lot going on with the blog this month. I have been writing a lot and the weeks just slip by when I'm getting the stories down. This weekend we're at the beach house, so I'll keep this short.

I spent the whole week at home without my husband because he was here at the beach house waiting on deliveries and fixing a ton of stuff. He replaced two lights, the kitchen faucet, all the door hinges and door knobs, and a few other tasks. The Peloton bike finally showed up so he got that set up. The house is really coming together, especially now that it's been painted.

While he was here doing all of that, we were at home without him. It was a frustrating week leading up to the full moon. Just lots of little things going wrong and I was the only adult at home to handle it all. By the time Friday came around, I didn't want to drive down to the beach house, but I'm glad I did. Things here are nice, and I'm grateful we have the place.

I finished writing Myra's Big Mistake this week! It's really close to being final-final. I can think of a few things I want to add when I start copy edits this week. I wrote the book and two bonus scenes to go along with it. I'm doing bonus scenes for all of my books going forward, and I hope to go back and write bonus scenes for my older books, too, at some point.

Lulu loves belly rubs and going out for walks. She loves the beach too, which I was surprised by. Lots of stuff to sniff there. And she also loves the fenced in yard at the beach house.

Some home improvement at the beach house! New kitchen faucet, Peloton all set up, the whole place has been painted, new blinds in the back room, new light fixtures in the bathroom and kitchen, and the fence is up.

Sumo started up again! I have been knitting and watching.

Made this miso glazed salmon and it was so good.

The weather has finally been nice! I spent a lot of time outside the last few days.

The full moon this week was brutal. It felt like everything was going wrong. Last night, it was HUGE rising over the ocean at the beach house.

There's been a lot of knitting and Grey's Anatomy. I'm almost done with this shawl and then I'm moving onto a blanket next.

Wine at the beach house, and then this TEENY TINY CRAB that my husband found attached to a mussel he was about to eat! How funny is that!

Finally, the finish of Myra's Big Mistake. I love writing this series. It's so much fun to see the world I built for the Nogiku Series thrive in a new series of romances.

Have a great week everyone! Stay safe and healty.

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S. J. Pajonas