The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
First of all, thank you to anyone who purchased one of my new releases this week. I know I sold a few because rankings appeared on my two books on Amazon, but I am not checking sales, so I have no idea how many there were. I'm sure a few of you picked them up, and I'm forever grateful.
It was a busy week for me, prepping my website, blog, and newsletter for the publication of two books. I think everything is good now. I uploaded the books with only one major hiccup. I forgot to tell Smashwords NOT to distribute it to a bunch of stores because I reach those stores through a different distributor. Oops. There were double copies of my books on several stores for a few days. I don't think anyone bought the phantom copies, but if they did, oh well. Maybe I'll get paid for it, maybe I won't. It's my own fault, and I just have to live with it.
Consequently, I will not be uploading my books to Smashwords anymore. I don't like the fact that you have to publish the book THEN go back and tell it NOT to distribute to certain stores. That option should be off by default, and it should be a part of the publishing process, not an afterthought. This is not a problem on Draft2Digital where it's the last step in the publishing process. I will now wait for Smashwords and Draft2Digital to merge so that this never happens to me again.
In other news, I'm very happy with my transition over to Gutenberg on this blog. The classic editor was slowing my site down, and I was getting annoyed with the unresponsiveness. Now the site is zippy and fast, and I'm used to the block editor. Only took me a week! But I already use it over on SFR Station, so I had some experience already.
In biking news, I biked over 60 miles on the Peloton this week. I did two ~25 mile sessions on the bike, Monday and Wednesday. I was on the bike for about 100 minutes each time. I've been working on endurance biking with steady cadences. It was fun and I'm glad I did it. I plan to do it again in two weeks. I basically load up my iPad with stuff to watch and then just watch TV and ride. It works out well for me.
Writing is now picking up again. I'm working on the next Kimura Sisters novella and I strongly suspect I'll be done with it in the next few weeks. I'm ironing things out as I go and getting to know Myra. It's fun! I'm enjoying the whole process.
Today, I'm driving down to the beach house for a few days by myself. I'm feeling cooped up and burned out from having to take care of everyone and everything around here. So I'm going to get some quiet time and to wait for the Peloton bike to arrive there. :) Of course.
I had another day this month where I uploaded photos to my Instagram Stories document what I did.
There were lots of walkies with Lulu.
My pickled eggs turned out nice! Love the color.
I also made a really delicious quinoa vegetable soup from Cookie and Kate.
I worked on my temperature blanket while watching Grey's Anatomy.
Got some writing done.
And spent Friday evening with my family at my cousin's house.
It was a great week! I hope you all have a fabulous week. Stay safe and healthy.