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Sunday Update – February 6, 2022

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

After going back and forth with the dev team at MailPoet for over 3 weeks, I finally got the newsletter plugin working enough that I could send out my Friday newsletter! God, that took FOREVER. And there's still an issue with the display of subscribers within lists that they are working on. Why is it that I find all the bugs in software? Lol. I feel like bugs follow me everywhere.

So now my newsletter is a lot less frequent. I'm sending the first and sometimes the third Friday of every month. That's it. No more automated emails every Friday. It was killing my deliverability since the Apple privacy thing went into effect. But that's life on the internet. Gotta stay on my toes!

In my personal life, we had a crazy week around here. The beginning part of the week was life as usual. Then we got news that a pipe burst in our beach house. Thankfully, it was in an unconditioned space on the outside of the house. The water flooded the crawl space though, and it created a small pond on the lawn. I'm sure our water bill will be sky high. Sigh. Big thanks to the electrician who came to do work and ran into the problem.

Then there was this big storm coming in, and my husband was planning on going to Las Vegas on Friday, right when the storm would be here. So he ended up moving up his flight and going a day earlier. Not what I was expecting but I'm glad he made it there on time. The storm was TONS of rain and the temperature dropped by almost 30ºF in one day! It was nuts. Lulu didn't get any walks. Poor thing. I need to teach her how to walk on the treadmill.

Also, Lulu really misses my husband when he's gone. She is so sad. Not her usual self. She just loves him so much. Lol. I am a pale comparison to him. :) Dogs are so silly.

On Friday, something cool happened. I presented to a 200 level English class at Michigan State University on my writing process. I spoke about the Roadmap I always put together before I write a book. If you want to see my roadmap and presentation, you can go to this page and view the materials. I was invited to talk to this class by my former professor, Bill Vincent. I had him for many English Lit and Film Studies class when I was there from 1994-1998. We're still good friends. It was fun talking to the class and they asked great questions! I hope I can do it again sometime.

In writing life, a few things happened…

I sent off A FORTUNATE ACCIDENT to my ARC readers! There are only a few ARC readers left on my team, and now they have the book in their hands. So that's done. Yay! It will be published by Feb 18th.

I finished the main four books of editing on the Nogiku Series. I'm working on REVEALED now and I plan to be done with that in a few days.

I was given the rights back to SURI'S SURE THING from Pets in Space 6. So I plan to get it into Vellum and publish it this week. It should be out on the stores by the 11th.

I switched over to these cute cat-eye reading glasses.

Editing RECLAIMED, I came across this quiet moment between Sanaa and Jiro that I just loved.

Out walking with Lulu and she turned her back on the camera as if to say, “Ugh, Mom! NO PHOTOS!” Lol.

But she's always up for some tummy rubs.

A good week for food. We ordered sushi on Tuesday and had saké with it. I cooked up some salmon for myself for Thursday and Friday night dinners. And I bought broccoli and cauliflower on Tuesday, washed and cut it up for meals during the week.

I'm reading through my Japanese cookbooks for inspiration.

My new yarn came! I can't wait to knit with this. The colorway is The Solar System. There are chunks of color that match the Sun and all the planets. Love it!

And finally, a few photos from my presentation on Friday.

Have a great week everyone! Stay safe and healthy.

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S. J. Pajonas