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February 2022 Goals

I'm so glad we made it through January in one piece! The first month of each year is SO LONG, and then the rest of the year just rushes on by. It's also my birthday month, and once the birthday is over, it's just a slog. Onward to February!

What happened with January's Goals

Start first pass edits Skylar's Book 2. I finished this and the whole book! It's with proofreaders now.

Start Kimura Sisters Book 2. I haven't started this book yet because I decided I wanted to finish Skylar's book.

Edit REUNITED and RECLAIMED. I did REUNITED. I only started on RECLAIMED yesterday.

Schedule my promotions for my books through the end of March. Done.

Do my Duolingo Italian and Japanese every day. Done! This is fun! I do it every morning.

Start the Winter Power Zone Pack Challenge and keep up with the rides. I'm almost done with this! We're in week 5 now, and next week is the last week. It's been hard but doable. I think my fitness is getting better.

Close on the beach house. Done! And we went there over a long weekend, too.

Reading, knitting, and crocheting on my temperature blanket. Not as much reading or knitting, but I have been working on the blanket!

February Goals

Publish A FORTUNATE ACCIDENT. This is looking likely to be published on February 18th. There will be no pre-orders. I'll post to the blog and newsletter once it's available.

Finish editing the Nogiku Series. I have RECLAIMED and REVEALED left to do. Then new formatting, paperbacks on Ingram Spark, take the box sets off sale, and revise the prices.

Start writing the next Kimura Sisters novella. This is happening this month. I'm super excited to dive into Myra's life!

Do my Duolingo Italian and Japanese every day. Gotta keep my streak going.

Do some long endurance biking. Once the challenge is over, I will be concentrating on putting in more endurance miles on the bike. My plan is to bike for 90 to 120 minutes every day, Monday through Thursday. Climb rides on Friday. 60 minute class on Saturday. I will be watching movies and TV while biking.

Complete the Peloton Boxing Program. I plan to start this next week. It's a short program, and I'm hoping it'll be fun!

Reading, knitting, and crocheting on my temperature blanket. The usual!

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S. J. Pajonas