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Sunday Update – January 16, 2022

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

A late Sunday Update today as we're at the beach house and getting stuff done so we can actually live here come summer. I didn't sleep much last night due to Lulu being in the room with us (at home she sleeps on the couch). My dog is so itchy! She kept scratching herself all night and then she would come over to see us. I feel like I dealt with a baby all night. Lol.

I'm also experiencing problems with my newsletter/update system on my website. I will be migrating to twice monthly Friday emails this coming week. I was going to do it last week, but MailPoet is not displaying the subscribers in my lists so I can't move them around. It's really annoying. I hope to have it resolved this week.

The rest of the week was a blur. I have no idea what happened in family life. We just got through each day.

In writing life, I am now working on A FORTUNATE ACCIDENT. I went through and made my second draft changes, and now I'm copy editing. I hope to have this one up for sale the second week of February? That's what I'm aiming for. I'd like to give any first readers (after the proofreading is done) a week to read before I publish. This is my new thing. I write a book. I publish the book. No pre-orders. No beta or alpha reads, since those almost never produced any comments anyway. Just final reads and proofreading.

It's been 18 days since I last checked my sales or reviews. I am resolved to checking them almost never.

My 10 year challenge. And wow, camera technology has come a long way!

Working with Lulu.

I tried some mochi that my daughter picked out when we went to the Asian grocery store last time.

Practicing conjugating my Italian present tense verbs.

Sleepy Lulu.

Our journey down to the beach house! I also put a video in my Instagram stories of how easy it is to walk to the beach. Hopefully you saw it!

Finally, don't forget that PETS IN SPACE 6 will be ending soon. Get your copy before it's gone!

Have a great week everyone! Stay safe and healthy.

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S. J. Pajonas