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Sunday Update – January 2, 2022

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

First Sunday Update of the year!! And it will be a quick one because we're currently having power issues at home. There seems to be corrosion and a short in our electricity meter and the power company is here. We're running the generator to keep the house going right now. Which is fine but noisy. We have plenty of gas for the generator now that I have the Tesla! Lol. We used to dump the old gas into my old car.

We didn't do much over the holiday break. Due to the high number of covid cases in our area (seriously, we're one of the highest in the country) I have barely been anywhere. I haven't even been in my car since Tuesday when I went to Whole Foods at 8:30AM. We've kept the kids home too, and thank the universe for that because lots of their friends have gotten sick.

I have spent much of the week chilling. I really needed it. I've watched a lot of TV, did some reading, took care of maintenance stuff on my websites, exercised a lot… you know, the basics. This weekend I've been doing a lot of prep work to get back into the swing of things come Monday.

I also forgot to tell y'all that I got a new iPhone, the 13 Pro! So I switched over to that and I love the photos. I'm really happy with it. I also forgot that I updated all of my branding on the website and emails. So that's new too!

Lots of Lulu this past week!

I started my temperature blanket yesterday. I need to crochet another row today. It'll probably be the same color seeing as we're having the same weather as yesterday.

There's been a lot of food around here. I made hush puppies from leftover corn bread. I made up a bunch of my protein shakes. I ate mi goreng noodles and tempura shrimp for my lunch yesterday, and then I tried out this ice cream in a fish-shape. All of it was delicious!

My husband pruned all of his plants. Look how big that jade plant is!

Peekaboo! Hello new phone!

Started a new book. It's exactly what I need after DNFing my last one.

Cheers! Here's to 2022! Now we just need to get this power situation all fixed and we'll be good to go.

Have a great week, everyone! Stay safe and healthy.

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S. J. Pajonas