Happy New Year everyone! And welcome to 2022! 2021 was a really tough year for me, so I'm hoping that things get better in 2022. Of course, I said that last year too, so let's see how things pan out, shall we?
As usual, I am declaring a theme for this year.
2015 was The Year I Say No.
2016 was The Year I Give No F*cks.
2017 was The Year I Have Fun.
2018 was The Year I Don't Compete.
2019 was The Year I Improve Myself and My Business
2020 was The Year I Lead A Happy Creative Life
2021 was The Year I Develop My Systems
2022 will be…
The Year I Become Stronger, Faster, More Powerful and Positive
“Stronger, faster, and more powerful” is a Peloton mantra that I hear a lot from Ben Alldis, and it speaks to me. I'm not here to stagnate. I'm here to grow and become a better person. So, this year, I'm going to get rid of all the negativity. This means deleting podcasts that are just the same tired opinions over and over. This means leaving more FB groups. This means spending less time on FB. I'm adding in my positivity through Peloton and Power Zone training, reading good books, watching good movies, and spending time with my family. I’m also taking six months off from the business of publishing. I’m closing all of my sales windows and I’m setting up promotions ahead of time. More on this below…
I have a lot of goals this year, mostly health and fitness related, so let's get to them!
Writing and Publishing Goals
I will concentrate on writing 1000 words per day when not editing or doing other tasks. I find that if I have a project open and ready for writing, I work best at 1000 words per day. So I'm going to continue that when I have something I'm working on.
Put all my titles into large print format after July. Since I'm taking the first six months off of the publishing business, this will be a second-half-of-2022 goal.
Publish The Amagi Series Books 2 and 3, Hikoboshi Book 5, another Pets in Space novella. If any of these will be late, it'll be Amagi Series Book 3. I really want Hikoboshi Book 5 written and published this year so that will be my biggest priority after the Pets in Space novella.
Business Goals
I will continue to advertise my free books every month. I will set up ads for them every quarter and keep the basic Amazon Ads running on them.
I will take off six months from the business of publishing. I find the whole business of publishing to be really depressing. I open my KDP reports and find I have negative money for the day because people returned my books. Or I see that I'm making 35% less than the year before. Screw that. I am closing my reports and not paying attention to either sales or reviews.
I will continue to spend more time on Instagram. I like Instagram as both a creative outlet and a way to reach new readers.
Creativity Goals
I will read or listen to 20 books. I want to be better about reading next year. Sometimes I fall off this goal because my life gets too hectic, but I don't want that to be the case anymore.
I will learn Italian and Japanese on Duolingo. I bought the year pass to Duolingo. I'm going to do both Italian and Japanese.
I will knit one shawl and crochet a temperature blanket. I'd like to finish the shawl I'm making and start a new one. And I have a year-long project that I'm doing with other people. A temperature blanket! I crochet a new row every day in a color that represents the high temperature for that day. I'll talk more about this in January.
Personal Goals
I will work on making the beach house our second home. We bought a beach house! And I can't wait to spend time there, working on it and making it our home away from home. I want to spend more time at the ocean where I find peace. I hope to be there a lot.
I will travel and see friends and family more, Covid permitting. I'm dying to travel once quarantines are lifted. I miss seeing people I know and love.
Fitness Goals
I will bike 3000 miles on Peloton. I did 2600+ miles in 2021 which is 800 miles past my 1800 mile goal. I can do that again, plus more! I have added in 20-min rides on Tuesdays and Thursdays which gives me an added 8-10 miles per week.
I will participate in Pelofondo again. I would like to do this twice in 2022. This time I will aim for 75 miles.
I will do all the 75-min and 90-min Power Zone Endurance Rides in the library by 2022’s end. This is a fun goal! I saw someone else do it and thought it was a great idea.
I will work my way up to 60-min Climb Rides. This will not be an every week thing. I'd like to work up to doing a 60-min Climb Ride, and once I have done it, I'd like to do it once per month after.
I will complete the Peloton Boxing course. I've never done boxing but it's been included in other Peloton classes, so I would like to try this and see if I like it. It's a short course, like 3 weeks? So it won't be a huge commitment.
I will participate in every Power Zone Pack Challenge and make sure to always buy a t-shirt! This might be difficult with the beach house. We are planning on buying a second bike for the beach house, so if that happens, all of my goals are good. Let's just say that we will buy it and get it done!
And that’s it!
It's a lot of goals, especially fitness ones. But I feel like I'm less of an author nowadays than just a regular person who likes to write, bike, and knit. I hope you'll still follow along as I become a stronger, faster, more powerful and positive person.
Want to share your 2022 goals with me?
Comment and let me know what you’ll be up to in the new year!