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December 2021 Goals

And just like that, it's the end of the year.

What happened with November's Goals

Finish Skylar's Book 2. It didn't happen. I have been working on it. I have 50,453 words written now. It needs about another 26,000. I will just keep working at it as best I can.

Finish the audiobook for SILENT FLYGHT. This is done! YAY!

Start editing the Nogiku Series… again. I finished REMOVED! And I opened up RELEASED and got it ready for editing.

Keep up with the Fall Power Zone Challenge. Finished this up and took my FTP test.

Start the Nogiku Series paperbacks. I have decided to hold off on this until I'm done editing the whole series. So this will be back in January.

Continue with my courses. I did not do any of this.

Reading and knitting. There was reading. No knitting. I don't know why knitting has been so hard to do lately. It makes me so tired.

December Goals

Finish Skylar's Book 2. I have to finish in December or I will be behind on all of next year's goals!

Make the audiobook for STOLEN FLYGHT. This is the last book in the series and I want it DONE in 2021. I don't plan on doing any audio in the first half of 2022.

Edit RELEASED and start editing REUNITED. The editing of REMOVED only took a week. I flew right through it once I started making decisions about what to cut and what to keep. I feel like I can at least do RELEASED (Book 2) and possibly start on REUNITED (Book 3) before the end of the month.

Continue with my courses. I hope to have some time to work on these this month.

Reading and knitting. The usual.

That's it! Have a great month everyone!

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S. J. Pajonas