The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
Another crazy week around here, but I think things are going to calm down a little bit from here on out.
The combination of lack of sleep and my kids being up too late, plus normal physical exhaustion, made me go to bed early on Monday. I turned out the lights before 10pm and slept all the way through to the alarm, which means I got about 8 hours of sleep! I woke up on Tuesday feeling like I could do ANYTHING. Lol. It's amazing what a good night's sleep can do for you.
The rest of the week sped by. I had no idea what day it was by the time Thursday rolled around. Was it Wednesday? Was it Friday? No clue. Our usual routines have been off and the kids had final weeks of marching band and field hockey, so there were scheduling issues. Sigh. I actually miss the time they were home in the pandemic. Life was a lot less hectic, even if we were worried about getting sick.
I've been writing a steady 800-1200 words per day, every day but Sundays. I'm now at almost 30,000 words on Skylar's Book 2. When I'm done writing this book, I will be writing the last book of the Hikoboshi Series, and then I'll be writing the next Kimura Sisters book.
I'm trying this new thing where I write slow and steady and leave myself time during the day to do other things, like edit other books, do social media, or just relax, or all of the above. This should give me 2-3 books per year to publish, and that's going to be it. I realized recently I have been doing a million-dollar hustle for pocket change. Why, Stephanie? WHY? Ugh. No. That's ridiculous. If I'm not going to make a salary at this, then there's no reason to be working 10 to 12 hour days, EVERY DAY. I'm done with that. 2022 is going to focus more on me than my writing.
In exercise news, I just finished a super hard week of the Fall Power Zone Pack Challenge. I was absolutely wrecked from my 60-min class yesterday. Tired and HUNGRY! Lol. And tomorrow, I do my 450th ride!! 450!! I can hardly believe it. I'm close to 500! I love my Peloton bike fiercely. I'm in the best shape of my life.
Lulu thinks that 7am is the perfect time to play!
I got up off the couch to investigate something Lulu was barking at, so I threw the blanket behind me and it landed on the floor. When I came back, she was already camped out on it. Lol.
Lulu camped out at my feet one evening while I was getting some last minute work done.
I think she loves me!
I've been reading through the stories in Pets in Space 6. I definitely have my favorites! And I'll talk about those in an upcoming book chat. All the stories so far are well-written and imaginative, but several really kept me engaged.
Got some writing in while the kids carved their pumpkins.
I treated myself to some ice cream, which I haven't done in a while. This flavor is delicious!
Getting in my rides!
You may have missed my Reel on Instagram on Five Reasons I Give Up On A Book!
And finally, I took this picture after I finished recording the last chapters of CRASH LAND ON KURAI for Instagram Video. They are now scheduled out, Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday, for the next two weeks, and the final chapters will be up on November 11. I'm so glad that task is done! It'll free up a lot of time for me.
Have a great week everyone! Stay safe and healthy.