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Sunday Update – September 26, 2021

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

You're probably wondering, Where did all the color go? Well, there's KIND OF a good explanation for that. Lol. I've been working on my “design aesthetic” since I do so much posting on Instagram now. And I realized recently that, though I love purple and orange, I like them more as accents in my life than anything. I really am more of a black and white and shades of gray person. I like either brilliantly colored photos or black and white. Nothing really in between. So I'm going to double down on this aesthetic both here and on Instagram. That's why my site is now black and white and shades of gray.

Anyway, it was a tough week. I had head congestion pretty much the entire week. I would wake up with my head filled with cotton and I could barely hear, and it would sometimes get better and sometimes not. It was aggravating and really depressing feeling like crap every day but still doing everything I needed to do. By Friday, I was wrecked and near tears. I wanted to wrap myself in a blanket and stay in bed.

I was supposed to finish up my edits on AN UNEXPECTED DEBT by Tuesday. But due to the head congestion I was VERY SLOW, and I didn't finish them until Friday evening. Sigh. Everything takes me longer when I am not feeling my best. I'm disappointed it took so long, but now it's done, and I can move on to a new project. Those ARCs will go out to my readers today. I have the next few months until the holidays planned out with work, so it's time to get to it!

On Friday, my co-editor, Carysa Locke, and I launched SUMMON THE STARS! This anthology was over a year in the making. It was a little rough getting it off the ground and we ran into manuscript hiccups too. But the good news is that the anthology is out there now and selling. If you haven't picked up your copy yet, please purchase it today!

In family news, the kids are still in school and everything is okay so far. I think there have only been 2 covid cases since school started. Everyone is masking and being safe. There have been lots of field hockey games and marching band halftimes and competitions. All in all, my kids are busy and healthy, and that's fine with me.

I start the next Power Zone Pack challenge this week and I'm looking forward to riding with everyone again! This time I'll be adding in more Climb Rides to the competition as I'm working on building more leg muscle.

Lulu has now been a part of our life for two years. I love her so.

400th Peloton ride complete!

These are the faces of head congestion. Yeah, I was feeling pretty miserable this week. I hope it doesn't come back.

It was fun researching for my astrology post this week!

I asked for some YA sci-fi recommendations on Instagram.

Gotta get those edits done…

I've been watching Gilmore Girls, which I never watched the first time around.

I've also been working on getting the Hikoboshi paperbacks online!

Love these sunny days!

I also love these earrings my husband got me for our wedding anniversary.

But I do not like the fact that Mercury Retrograde is happening AGAIN. Nooooo!

I made two Reels this week that you might want to check out.

I made this one for CRASH LAND ON KURAI.

And then I made this one for AN UNFORGIVING DESERT.

I hope you all have a fantastic week! Stay safe and healthy.

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S. J. Pajonas