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Sunday Update – September 12, 2021

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

My kids went back to full in-person school this week!! One of two of them are vaxxed and they’re all wearing masks and distancing. Both of them were pretty nervous, but not about Covid, thankfully. They were nervous about normal things like finding their classrooms or their lockers or getting their locks open or how nice their teachers were. It felt good. Really good.

With the kids back in school, I celebrated on the first day by going to the dentist. Lol. No. It was a regular checkup and just happened to fall on the first day. Anyway, all is well with my teeth.

This week was also Labor Day week and we had our last days at the pool. It’s now closed for the season which is always a bummer. But we had a good summer with lots of beautiful days spent there when we could. It was a success in my book.

This week I thought I was going to start writing Skylar’s Book 2. But looking at my calendar I decided it was better for me to get the final work done on AN UNEXPECTED DEBT so I can send it out to my ARC readers. And I also realized that working on two writing projects at once does not work for me. I can’t hold both stories in my head at the same time. So I am speeding through revisions at a fast clip and getting them done so I can move on.

Over on Instagram, I asked people what time of day do they read? I'm mostly a night reader.

Got a lot of work done this week on my Amazon Ads School, my Instagram marketing course, and edits/revisions. Every day this week I had planned on writing and I just couldn't. The edits/revisions are taking up too much headspace. So I just need to get those done so I can start writing again.

Last days at the pool…

Plenty of time spent in the saddle on my Peloton. I tried a 30-minute Climb Ride this week and I really loved it. IT WAS HARD, but fun. What the heck is wrong with me? Lol.

Lulu is doing well. Her eyes are all cleared up and she's eating her new food. We bathed her with her new anti-itch shampoo and she was “naked” (without her collar) and running around. It was super cute.

Deer in the front yard.

IGTV Alert! I'll be recording myself reading from CRASH LAND ON KURAI and uploading the videos to Instagram every Tuesday and Thursday. I plan to read and also talk about creative decisions I made along the way.

I made two Reels this week, including this one showing off my knitting.

And this one shows off books in your TBR.

Have a great week everyone! Stay safe and healthy.

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S. J. Pajonas