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Sunday Update – August 22, 2021

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

It was a busy week here, getting back in the swing of things after being on vacation. I really enjoyed my vacation and time away, so it was hard to change gears and start working again, I'll admit. Especially looking at the giant pile of stuff that grew while we were gone. Sigh. The work is never-ending.

We made it back just in time for my oldest daughter to start band camp for high school marching band. It's many hours a day, but she's having a great time. My youngest did a field hockey clinic all week too, and she really enjoyed that as well.

Lulu returned to us with a little stomach bug that she picked up at boarding. We were worried about her the first night because she was so tired. But then we remembered that she's ALWAYS tired when she returns from boarding. We brought her to the vet on Wednesday and she's been on meds since then and feeling much better.

I finished off my first round of edits on AN UNFORTUNATE DEBT! It's off to my first readers right now. And then that left me with a ton of other things to do. I'm prepping to make more book covers for my Kimura Sisters Series, so I had to source images for that for my designer. I'm still making the LOST FLYGHT audiobook, so I worked on that. I'm making Reel videos for Instagram, so I worked on those too. I'll be working on filling out the form for my blurb writer today, more audiobook chapters, and also planning out my videos for the week.

As evidenced by these photos, Lulu is happy to be home and either by my side on the couch or lounging in bed. (She is by my side right now as I type up this post.)

We saw some deer friends on our walk the other day.

Marching band is in session!

I've been eating as many tomatoes as I can… and cucumbers. We have a lot of those as well.

And of course, I got on the bike as soon as we got home. The penultimate week of the summer Power Zone Pack challenge is always the toughest. This week was no joke. I worked hard on the bike!

And that's it for this week! Have a safe and healthy week, everyone!

S. J. Pajonas