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Sunday Update – August 1, 2021

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

It's August! And my blog break is over. I hope you all had a fabulous July.

Everything here went, more or less, according to plan. We went on vacation to South Carolina and still managed to do the beach and good food and family visiting despite a hurricane that came straight at us. We traveled on a plane and none of us got sick, so that's an added bonus, too.

We had a family reunion too and that went great too despite the VERY hot weather. All of the adults and most of the kids were vaccinated, so that made it safer for us to gather. Again, everyone had a great time, and no one got sick.

I've been doing my usual stuff. Working working working, and keeping the family afloat and busy. Unfortunately, I did not hit a lot of my goals for the month, which you'll hear about in tomorrow's Monthly Goals post. I struggled through the book I was writing, Skylar's Book 1, AN UNEXPECTED DEBT. I did finish it! But it needs a lot of work, and now I really have to consider where I'm taking the series because it's not what I thought it was going to be at all. I'm beginning to question my ability to write stories and make them coherent. I will persevere!

Peloton workouts have been good. I've added hooping back into my life! You can check out my Reels on Instagram and see the hooping I've been doing there.

I gave TikTok a go! And then I decided I hated it, so I stopped spending any time there. Lol. Typical. I really am an Instagram girl. Speaking of…

I've been spending a lot of time on Instagram lately, so if you're not following me there, you should! I have decided that I'm going to focus on a few things for my business: This blog right here, Instagram, Amazon Ads, and paid newsletter ads on my free books. That's about it. Notice that Facebook is not in there at all. I barely spend any time there anymore.

Let's get to the photos!

We enjoyed our vacation to South Carolina! Lots of beach and great food.

I got to see and spend time with my friend, Sarra Canon, while I was there.

There was 4th of July and my youngest daughter's birthday.

Plenty of pool and walking.

I hit some milestones on Peloton. 300 rides and 10,000 minutes.

We've been eating and drinking well. No complaints there! Even with my husband going gluten free.

Family reunion!!

There's been plenty of Olympics watching. While working and not.

I actually made it out to have lunch with a friend. Then I got Starbucks as a treat.

Lulu is great, as usual.

I retaped some of my hoops so that I can get back into hooping again.

And last but not least, Pets in Space 6 is available for pre-order! I'll write more about this on the blog this week, but go pre-order your copy now!

Have a great week everyone!

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S. J. Pajonas