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Bringing Back Paperbacks and More Audiobooks

I have a little news for you all before I go into a blog hiatus…

First of all, I have the best family. THE BEST. A relative has gifted me some money to put towards my business, and I'm going to use it to get paperbacks back up in the stores and start doing audiobooks on my new upcoming series.

I initially stopped offering paperbacks for several reasons including that I was running out of ISBNs and buying more would cost me a pretty penny, and the publishing fees through Ingram Spark were cost prohibitive. It was also the middle of a pandemic and I didn't have any more energy to put towards them. Now that I have been given an influx of cash, I can afford to buy the ISBNs and pay the fees (I'll be joining a professional organization which will help offset those costs too).

You may also remember that I stopped offering paperbacks because they are terrible for the environment. I still believe this, and I hope that more print-on-demand companies become greener in the future, but I'm willing to put this aside so that readers can get the stories in their preferred formats. Live and learn.

I'll be sure to let you know when the paperbacks are available on all stores. I will start with the Flyght Series and work my way through my catalog from there.

This money will also go to getting human-narrated audiobooks made of the Amagi Series (Skylar's upcoming series), and possibly the Kimura Sisters Series (an upcoming series, too, that will start with the first book in Pets in Space). The Kimura Sisters Series is all novellas so I have to decide if getting shorter audiobooks will be worth the cost. Maybe if I make audio sets of them, it'll work out. We'll see.

Anyway, I hope this will come as welcome news to you all! I wanted to let you know before I go on vacation.

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S. J. Pajonas