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Sunday Update – June 20, 2021

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Is June over yet? Ugh. There are still another 10 days left in this month. I used to love this month because of the weather, but now as an adult with older kids, it just means end-of-school stress. And seeing as how our school district decided to go almost all the way to the end of the month this year, it’s now worse than usual. 

I piled on a lot of stuff to do this month, and most of it is done, though! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I just need to get there.

This past week we FINALLY had the end of softball season. So many games had been rained out that the season went many weeks longer than usual. I’m so glad that’s done. There were a lot of errands to run and things to do but I got them all done. This weekend we’re spending a lot of time at the pool because the weather is finally nice.

I’m pulling way back from Facebook. That place has become a productivity trap and I’m tired of listening to people complain there. I’ve stopped visiting the author groups and stopped helping people. They ask for help but don’t like the answers they get, so why bother? I’m spending more time on Instagram with friends and posting occasionally to my Facebook author page.

The last of softball knitting and eating dinner in my car.

Wild animal sightings this week! A family of deer were hanging out at a house we were touring. And then I dropped a friend of my daughter's at her home, but she came running back to my car! There was a bear in the yard next door! So cute. We waited until he moved on and then she ran inside. Lol.

Lots of Lulu this week! I love the photo of her sleeping with her BFF at daycare. Lazy doggos!

My husband made homemade falafel. It was super yummy!

I've been working working working. I need to concentrate on me and my business now, and stop helping authors online who don't really want the help anyway. I'm tired of everyone so desperate to sell their books that they'll chase every SHINY and NEW thing out there. So much desperation, people. I'm going to concentrate on writing quality books and doing my own thing. (No, I am STILL not on TikTok.)

And finally, this was a well-deserved martini. WHAT A WEEK.

Have a great week everyone! Stay safe and healthy!

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S. J. Pajonas