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June 2021 Goals

May blew right past us! And now summer is on the near horizon. Yay!

What happened with May's Goals

Finish my Pets in Space novella. It's done! And my readers have given me feedback. So next up is revisions and copy edits.

Start Skylar's novel, the beginning of the Amagi Series. I've got the first act done! And I know what's going to happen now. I will try to finish it in June.

Finish the audiobook for FIRST FLYGHT! This is done! Also BROKEN FLYGHT is done now as well!

Build my anthology website. This is still not done. Sigh.

Continue on with SFR Station. Did, done.

Keep up with the Spring Power Zone Pack Challenge. I am in a lot better shape than I thought I was.

Continue with fasting. I kept up with my intermittent fasting! Most weeks I managed to do extended fasting on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Audiobooks, reading, and knitting. Reading and knitting, yes. I have been reading a lot and knitting at softball games. But audiobooks have fallen by the wayside while I work on my own audiobooks.

June Goals

Finish editing my Pets in Space novella and send it off. I'm going to finish this book and send it in early. I want to have it off my plate so I can stop worrying about it in the back of my head.

Finish Skylar's novel, the beginning of the Amagi Series. I'm going to keep writing on this and finish it off this month.

Finish the audiobooks for HIGH FLYGHT and LOST FLYGHT. I'll start selling the audiobooks once HIGH FLYGHT is done but I plan to also do LOST FLYGHT this month too.

Build my anthology website. We've signed contracts with the authors, so this is going forward! That means it needs a website.

Continue on with SFR Station. The usual needs doing here.

Keep up with the Spring Power Zone Pack Challenge. It's almost done!

Continue with fasting. I just need to keep on keeping on.

Audiobooks, reading, and knitting. Continue my commitment to reading and knitting! Hopefully get in an audiobook.

Snuggle more with Lulu. As the photo on this post suggests, I need to take a little more time each day to relax with my dog. She's a great stress reliever.

That's it! Have a great month everyone!

S. J. Pajonas