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Book Chat #70 – Books by Becky Chambers and Susan Kaye Quinn

In this Book Chat, I have two new books and one re-read! No audiobooks, though. I seem to have fallen into podcasts-only territory for a little bit because I used to listen to audiobooks and knit in the evenings. But now, I'm knitting at softball games. I hope to pick up audiobooks again this summer.

OF KINDNESS AND KILOWATTS by Susan Kaye Quinn (ebook)

Continuing on with this series, I immediately picked up OF KINDNESS AND KILOWATTS when it hit my kindle. Thanks, pre-orders! Once again, I love how the overall story picks up with another character that we met at the end of the previous book, Akemi. It almost feels like football or rugby when the ball is passed to a new player and they run it down the field. I loved Akemi, the Japanese-American character in this book, and his relationship with his family. He's super smart and so are his family members, so they get to work on the problem right away. The tension really built throughout this book, and I raced through it. I was a little WHAT? about the ending because it felt so abrupt! Maybe a little more of a cliffhanger than I'm used to. Lol. But it could also be because I was reading it so quickly. Regardless, I'm now pumped for the last book in the series and it's pre-ordered as well. The mystery of these books is really compelling and I want to know what's going on. I have a feeling it involves “dark matter” somehow, so let's see where my intuition takes me.

THE GALAXY AND THE GROUND WITHIN by Becky Chambers (ebook)

I'd had this book pre-ordered for AGES. Literally, bought it the day they announced it, so I was super excited to also see it hit my kindle (thanks again, pre-orders!). This book was one of the slower books of the series, but no less engrossing. I love that we saw everything in this book from the viewpoint of several different alien species. You never once see things from a human POV. I loved it! What an interesting universe Ms. Chambers has built! My favorite character was definitely Roveg. He was not how I pictured a Quelin to act after seeing other Quelin in the other books of the series, so that was a nice stereotype bunked right off the bat. I blew through this book, and enjoyed every moment of it. Again, this is the kind of sci-fi that I love. Quiet, contemplative and introspective, with enough mystery and adventure to keep the pages turning.

THE LONG WAY TO A SMALL ANGRY PLANET by Becky Chambers (ebook)

This was a re-read (original Book Chats post here) as I had nominated it for my knitting book club this month. I'm so glad I re-read it. It was just as magical the second time around, and it gave me a way to get ready for the last book of the series. If you haven't read any Becky Chambers, BUY HER BOOKS NOW.

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S. J. Pajonas