The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
It was a week of flowers blooming and allergies flaring around here. It was also a week of rain. I did manage to get out with Lulu for our regular walks, but they weren't always pleasant with so much rain and humidity. On Monday, Lulu had a dodgy belly so I kept her home from daycare, but otherwise, it was a fairly normal week.
We got a new coffee table! It's one I've always wanted. The Herman Miller Noguchi coffee table. Yes, they're expensive, so don't look them up if you don't want a shock. Lol. We bought the real thing, not a knock-off. Our new couch comes this week too! I'm excited for it all. It's nice to have the grown-up furniture finally.
I've been participating in Pelofondo this weekend! Pelofondo is a long-distance indoor biking event. You choose a mileage, 35 miles or greater, to ride for the weekend (both Sat and Sun) and then get to it. (A Gran Fondo is an Italian long-distance race, hence why this is called Pelofondo.) I chose to ride 50 miles which I thought would be really hard for me. After all, I broke my leg 2 years ago! It turned out that I rode 40 miles yesterday and today I only need 10 more to reach my goal. Yay! I'll finish them up later this morning.
And as for writing, it's coming along slowly. I finally know what I'm writing about and now it's just all about getting the words down every day. I didn't write yesterday because I was too tired after the 40 miles on the bike. Today, I will write this afternoon.
Looking pretty out there!
My husband is still baking bread. This is a rye sourdough loaf! So good.
The Noguchi coffee table. I love it!
I'm not hiding… I've been on Instagram now for 10 years! It was my 10 year anniversary this past week. I love spending time on Instagram.
I posted to Instagram about my process for writing, and I got a lot of interesting responses.
Rides 1 and 2, and then after ride 2 on Saturday for Pelofondo. 40 miles done in one day! Today I finish up the last 10 miles.
Relaxing with Lulu on the couch afterwards.
And finally, Lulu loves her fuzzy blanket we got her. It's her favorite napping spot.
Have a great week everyone! Stay safe and healthy.