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Sunday Update – April 11, 2021

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

It was a busy week here and I slept poorly for most of it. Especially last night. Lulu cried in her crate at 1am, and just wanted to be out and playing. No way, dog. I love you, but no. I let her out to pee and then I put her back in and told her to be quiet. It took me forever to go back to sleep after that. I think I only got about 4 hours. Sigh. I think she got an update from the Mothership this week, though, because she was also barking at herself in the mirror on Friday night, and she's NEVER done that before. So, something's up. I hope it passes quickly.

My kids went back to school this week! Their cohort was Tuesday and Thursday this past week so they only went two days. They will go three days this coming week. All in all, it went well. I think it's a little more stressful for them but I'm sure they'll get the hang of it.

I finished my knit, which I posted to the blog, and started a new one. I also worked on my Pets in Space novella, had a breakthrough on Friday, realized I was (basically) writing the wrong sister in the series, and I'm starting over on it tomorrow. That's okay because I'm planning a whole series around these characters and I can still use what I wrote. No big deal! It's all coming together.

Softball season has started again, so this means lots of sitting and knitting or reading. Possibly writing too.

I take a lot of photos from this spot on the couch BECAUSE I AM ALWAYS HERE.

My husband is still making sourdough bread…

And cookies!

Here is the same tree, two days difference between the two photos.

How is this comfortable?

Still exercising, going hard on the hard days, easy on the easy days… and I hit 200 rides on Peloton!

It was foggy during our morning walk today… then it rained.

And finally, I ate this “ramen” from Immi Eats and reviewed it on Instagram. Head on over there to read the full review!

Have a great week everyone! Stay safe and healthy.

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S. J. Pajonas