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Sunday Update – April 4, 2021

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Happy Easter to all those who celebrate it! The Easter Bunny made his way into our house last night and left eggs and baskets for the kids (and Lulu). Today, we are planning a carb feast! Pasta and homemade bread tonight, plus decorating Easter sugar cookies. I miss seeing our families for the holidays. Sigh.

This was our Spring Break week here and it flew by despite doing nothing really. The kids slept in as much as possible. I did my usual work all week, usual Lulu walks and Peloton workouts, and usual everything else. My husband took off Thursday and Friday. He baked a wonderful pumpernickel bread and bought himself a new guitar. I finished my knit finally! And I'll have that on the blog this week.

I've been having a crisis of confidence about the novella I'm writing for Pets in Space. I wondered if it wasn't sci-fi enough or that it may not be taking the correct path. I'm still unsure about it. I've been reading what I've written already and trying to make it work. I need to get back on track, write, and finish it before I give up on it. Writing is never easy but this one is especially hard.

My husband bought some new gin for us to try!

I was closing in on the end of my knit when I did run out of yarn. So I decided to go back and use one of the contrasting colors at the top for the last bit. Then that yarn ended up a big mess. It took me an hour to untangle enough for me to use.

Here is the shawl before blocking..

Then I washed and laid it out and found a dropped stitch! Son of a bitch… I had to then fix that. Ugh. This knit has been cursed.

I bought new yarn to make me feel better. Lol.

Let's move on to Lulu who continues to be the goodest girl.

And I enjoyed some of my husband's lovely sourdough pumpernickel bread. Yum!

Finally, here I am, tired but warmed with my handknit from last year.

Have a great week everyone! Stay safe and healthy.

S. J. Pajonas