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Sunday Update – March 28, 2021

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Where did this month go? I swear it was the beginning of March just yesterday. But considering that last year March went on FOR DECADES, I'll take this.

The biggest news of this week is that my husband and I got our first Covid-19 shots! We managed to get into the local vaccination facilities run by the county on the same day. I went first in the morning and his was in the afternoon. Our county is giving out Moderna vaccines so I had no choice there and that's fine. Any vaccine is better than no vaccine. I had a sore arm for two days and there's a little bruise where it was administered. No big deal. I took Tylenol the second day because I was tired of it being in pain, but otherwise, no other side effects! I'm sure the second shot will be worse, so I'll keep you posted. I got the shot and then cried happy tears. I said to the nurse, “I'm so relieved, so happy.” And she responded, “I know. 2020 was a dark time for us all.” Yes, yes it was.

I'm back to writing my novella for the Pets in Space anthology! So far the writing is going well, if a little long. I think I'm going to have to edit out stuff in order to stay in the anthology guidelines. Lol. But better to have too much than too little. I got proofreading notes back on THE RISE OF SHIROI NAMI, and my ARC readers have the book now, too. I should be able to make the final file this week and upload it. I really wanted to make a map for this series so I downloaded a map-making tool, but it has a steep learning curve. Sigh. I'm not sure I have time to make a map before this book goes live. I'll have to think on it.

Lots of photos this week! I'm back in the swing of updating Instagram more regularly. I was just too busy this last month and let it go.

My husband got a bee in his bonnet about making sourdough bread. So I suggested he use the recipe from my friend, Erin (brooklynsourdough), and he got going with that. It required a bit of extra work to get the starter going, but he made his first boule yesterday! It was pretty good! I can't wait for the starter to get really sour. I just love that flavor.

We've had some good meals this week. I made Japanese curry, and my husband made sweet and sour shrimp on the grill using the grill basket.

After a rainy day…

After my first covid-19 vaccine…

Lulu sleeping and on the move.

She “buried” her pizza crust in the bathroom. Great job, Lulu! No one will find it there!

I've been doing a lot of knitting because I want to be done with this project like YESTERDAY.

Enjoyed outdoors afternoon decaf coffee TWICE this past week! Yay! I love spring!

And finally, I pulled down the shutters on my Twitter account. I made all my tweets private, unfollowed everyone, and forced everyone to unfollow me. It was time. I hadn't updated there in two years. But I'm keeping my name there in case anyone wants to tag me. My main social media now is Instagram and then my FB page. I don't do anything on my FB page but post from my blog and Instagram, though. Instagram is where I'm most active if you want to follow me.

That's it for this week! Have a great week everyone! Stay safe and healthy.

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S. J. Pajonas